Save Her Chapter 1

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Zuko Pov

"Whats the matter! No lighting today? afraid ill redirect it?" 

"OH ILL SHOW YOU LIGHTING" my phyco siser said.Sometimes I wish I could have saved her from ozai. then maybe she would not be here fighting her own brother. but it if means to protect the world...and katara ill gladly do it.

she rounds her lighting I see her point in the wrong direction. wow she must really be unstable. Then it hits me. katara she pointing it at katara. I run to block it but I stoped mid air and get pushed to the side.


 I saw her face. shes scared,no terrified and in shock. I try to move to redirect it or take the shot for her. but I couldnt. my body would not let me move. I hear the most painful scream...bam shes down.

I run to katara feeling her pulse its faint, and I don't no how much longer she can stay alive.I shed a tear. I cant let more fall. not until azula is defeted. she must pay. she is no longer my sister. 

I look at azulas face. I expected hate. but all I see is regret. but she quikly changes that

 I hear azula say "Whats the matter zuzu? your girlfreind died?". 


I round up lighting in less than a seconds. and...shot at at azula. shes down. azula is down. we've won. I just hope aang won.

I run to katara and scoop her up in my arms. I let the tears fall I cry hysterically.  I run to the royal medic. 


Sorry I left you on a cliffhanger. I dont know when im going to update but im banking for next wedsday because thats early dissmisal for me. im soo sorry if theres any typos im still young and bad at writing. do you want this to be zutara.?? tell me if you have any ideas for the next chapter. because I dont

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