Save Her Chapter 6

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Hakoda's POV

I walk into the medic room and go to room 207. It's been 3 weeks and 4 days since she got struck my lighting. I'm starting to loose hope that she'll ever wake up. When I got to the room I see sokka sleeping on a chair with his sword in his hand and a stack of paper, he's supposedly writing a book called "The adventures of team avatar" I gotta admit, the names pretty catchy. When I got in he woke up by the sound of the door clicking shut.

"Oh! Hey dad!"

"Hello sokka"
"Want to hear about ember island play we went to?"


"So when we got their none of us were really happy of how characters were, well except toph. I was played but a guy that talked about food and had bad jokes....."

I cut him of by laughing

He coughs to get my attention "as I was saying.....aang was a bald lady,and katara was a crybaby in the play, but of course the real katara rarely cry's, I mean old sokka wouldn't have admit this but....she makes me cry she's like some she-demon then the next second your mom."

We laugh but my heart aches for her to wake up. A doctor comes in to check her heart rate and new wraps on her stomach. "How is she doc?" Sokka asks hopefully. "A bit better of course how well can you be from getting struck by lighting, and on sozins comet".

Suddenly I say " I'm confused what does sozins comet have to do with lighting?" "Well you see chieftain hakoda, sozins comet gives fire benders the power of 100 suns,so the lighting was over power than normal." " But do not fret, she is a fighter I have high hopes that she will awake"
He says with a forced smile on his face

Three days later🕜

I'm sitting on a chair with my hand holding kataras hand, wishing she would wake up I heard her breathing pick up and she started to groan, looks like the pain medicine wore of. I sit their for about 10 minutes and she's half conscious and she starts to open her eyes. No words can explain how happy I am. I call for everyone to come. She opens her eyes and says "hey dad" I hug her so tight but I'm careful not to touch her lighting gash.

Sokka POV
I'm on my desk writing "the tale of sokka" I still don't have a name for the book what whatever. Someone knocks on my door and I see suki.

"Hi suki!"

"Hey sokka, just wanted to see how your know..... because of katara."

My shoulders slump and my good mood turns into a sad one "oh...t-thanks suki, but I'm pretty much done,a little sad but that's it."

I hear my dad from the other side of the palace crying and screaming I run as fast as I can with suki thinking something happened with katara. But what I see.....
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Jk jk jk

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