Save Her Chapter 4

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Zuko pov

I finished the battle and killed azula. I ran as fast as I could to katara. I pleaded her to open her eyes, to talk to me, even a single breath. 



I put my ear to her breath............a second breath. "phew" I said. but she wont last long I need to take her to water like uncle  said.

Before the battle

"zuko" uncle said "yes uncle?"

"if anything happens the miss katara I NEED you to take her to water. same with you nephew azula is crafty  she might not hurt you, but katara." "during sozins comet as you know, fire bender are at their greatest power so if she lighting bends at one of yuo the damage could be fatal"

Present time

"water " I whispered. I carried her slowly and ran to the turtle duck pond. I slowly put her in. I waited a few minutes and a shining light

"I've always admired kataras courage" she said while putting a hand to her heart. "but im afraid this is all I can do, it is out of my power to heal her . All I can do is keep her heart going but it wont last long "

"all that matters is that shes breathing, thank you im in your forever debt" I said to the moon

I picked katara up and ran to find the water tribe warroirs


Bato came to me and asked "Whats wrong?" I slower turned around to reveal a barely breathing katara with a huge lighting gash on her stomach.

"" he whispered barely enough for me to hear. katara and sokka told us all stories of how bato was like their second father. sokka told us how when katara was a baby all she'd do was hug his leg in an attempted to go penguin sledding with him.

he dropped to his knees and I gave him katara. he started to slilenty cry for a few minutes but went to go find hakoda and the other warroirs to get medical help, and since sokka was in the air he'd have to wait to get him. 

I followed him and I could see him trying to stopped the tears flowing.


hakoda started running to us asking "whats wrong!? Whos hurt??"

"its..katara" I said

"how bad Is it?"

"shes with bato quickly come on"

I lead him to bato in the turtle duck pond and hakoda quickly runs and drops on is knees right next to his daughter. his face turnes pale when he sees the lighting gash. and theirs still little lighting circling around her. 

"who- who did this" he asked his voice cracking and is throat closing from all the tears..

" was azula. I tried to take the shot but katara...she...she blood bent me...on sozins comet." I said. "but how did she blood bend on sozins-" he cut himself off by putting her in his arms and crying. bato gave him a hug while he was carrying his daughter. hakoda was whispering "im so sorry katara" and "please come back" and "I already lost kya not you to"

I told him to put her in the duck pond and they did it it took a few minutes but it started glowing. bigger and brighter than before. bato and hakoda were amazed. 

he then took his daughter in his lap and she opened her eyes. "katara!" bato said 

"I thought we lost you" hakoda said hugging her. then he hugged to tight and touched the lighting gash and her face scrunched up and and she hugged her side. "oh my god im so sorry katara!' he said.

'd-dont w-w-worry a-bou-t  it." she said

"quick we have to get her to the royal medic" I exclaimed

hakoda carried his daughter in side while I lead the way. bato not far behind.

Made this chapter longer than the other wow 683 words

hope you enjoy. have ANY ideas for next chapter? because i dont.

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