Just as I took my drink from Billies hands someone bumped into me, I lost my grip on my drink and of course the whole thing ended up on the fucking floor.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" The blonde from earlier spoke up. It was only now I noticed how annoyingly beautiful she was. She was taller than me, only by a little but enough to be looking down on me. Her eyes were a piercing clear blue, even the ocean would be jealous of the colour. She had beautiful features, wide eyes with long feathered lashes. Full, perfectly shaped brows, naturally plumped lips, and the sharpest jawline I'd ever seen. Bitch.

"Don't apologise, it's ok," Billie said, responding for me since I was too busy studying her face. I nodded in agreement.

"We met earlier, right?" She said, her attention solely focused on my girlfriend.

"Yeah, Kylie is it?" I kept silent, watching Kylie's body language like a hawk.

"Yeah, I didn't get your name," the blonde leaned against the kitchen counter.

"It's Billie!"

It's a casual conversation Reese. It's ok. She's allowed to have a conversation with another person.

Addison broke my trust so badly that I didn't even want to watch the two of them talk anymore, "I'm just going to the bathroom."

Billie nodded in response and I walked away.


"Yeah, I didn't get your name," Kylie said as she leant back on the counter.

Great social skills Billie, completely forget to introduce yourself, "Sorry! It's Billie."

Reese didn't say much, I think because of the comment Ria made earlier. "I'm just going to the bathroom." I heard her say, I gave her a nod but before I had chance to verbally respond she'd already left.

"Is your friend ok? She seems pissed." Kylie began twiddling her thumbs anxiously.

"I'm sure she's ok."

"What do you drink? I'll grab you one." Kylie offered, clearly trying to change the subject.

I let out a half hearted laugh, "I don't actually drink."

The blonde raised her brows in surprise, "neither do I."

It's not often you meet people that don't have at least one drink at a party, "I think you may be the only person in England that doesn't," I laughed as I thought about everyone I'd met so far, they all like a drink.

Kylie laughed softly, "yeah, I think so too," she paused for a moment, I could tell she had something she wanted to say, "so um... correct me if I'm wrong but my gaydar is going off."

A wave of shock came over me. Kylie looked like your typical straight girl, no hint of gayness whatsoever, "you're right," I smiled.

Kylie took a gulp of her drink, "and that girl, she's..." she paused, "she's my girlfriend," I rushed to finish her sentence, just so she knows that I'm with Reese. Kylie simply nodded.

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