Demons - Angst/fluff

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Third person POV:

There's something in the water,I don't like the flavor I don't like the taste


Searching for Nirvana


Something that'll take it all away from me

"Calm down! Just give me the child. It won't hurt anyone! Where did you even get it!? HEY WAIT!"

Don't bother me,my misery,it's holding me,won't let me speak

"I'm sorry old friend,but I won't let you kill an innocent child."


Please forgive me I've got demons in my head


"STOP." He shot up in the bed,sweating,tears running down his cheeks. He quickly wiped them off and looked around the room,it wasn't his.

"Hello?" He whispered-yelled,it was still dark outside,probably midnight. He checked his pockets to only realize he wasn't in his clothes,he was in somebody else's.

He heard somebody groan and move on the floor. The figure sat up. "Oh hey! You're awake,you passed out,we assume,in the locker room and when we came in you were on the ground." The figure used their quirk and a small ball of purple fire appeared in their hand.

Fire quirk? It can't be Shoto,he doesn't usually have a cheery tone in his voice. It can't be Kirishima,he doesn't have a fire quirk,but it kinda sounds like him. Wait it's Sun! Maybe Sun is a secret love child of Kirishima and Shoto.....

The figured had already turned on the light and was now staring at Barracuda. "Hey Kaiju?" "Oh yes Sun?" Barracuda said,looking up at Sun. He felt a tingly feeling in his chest when he realized that Sun was shirtless and only had shorts on. He brushed the feeling off and got up.

"Right,sorry for scaring you guys. But I should be off now. Oh wait where are my clothes? And my phone. Apollo's probably worried about me right now for not responding to her texts." He shifted slightly

Sun smiled. "Don't worry! I informed Ryuu about the situation and she said she would tell Apollo. Apollo did come check on you but she's fine now!" He gave Barracuda a reassuring thumbs up.

Barracuda sighed in relief. "Well anyways I should be going back to my dorm now."

"Oh wait umm Apollo took your clothes back to your dorm after she changed ya. And your phones on my desk!" His smiled brightened.

The tingly feeling grew. He shook his head. "Right thanks,I'll get out of your hair now." He sighed,slightly disappointed.

"Umm actually Barracuda,could you stay the night? Sorry,I knows it's childish but my nightlight broke and I don't have an extra one and I can't really sleep without body warmth,from another person. Oh and I need a nightlight cause I-um-I'm scared."

"It's fine Sun,I can spend the night." Kaiju smiled,it was rare for him to smile,but he knew Sun needed some reassurance.

He saw Sun blush. He put his fire out and climbed in bed. "Um wait what position do you like to lay in?" Sun asked,we was obviously flustered.

"Oh on my back. Sometimes my side. And I usually sleep either in the middle of the bed or on the edge. Whenever I sleep it feels like I'm in the ocean." Barracuda's face returned to his normal face,which was a lot like Shoto's. Some people even suspect Barracuda and Shoto are related. Of course they aren't. Barracuda is related to Apollo,not by blood though.

"Oh um that might be a problem,I usually like to sleep on the edge or in the middle." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh.....that's fine,we can just.....cuddle? Apollo and Ryuu do it all the time. Ryuu's usually clinging onto Apollo and Apollo just puts their arm around Ryuu." He titled his head slightly. "I suggest I sleep facing the wall however,my tail might hit you."

Sun laughed. "Yep! That's fine. Wait how do you know Apollo and Ryuu cuddle?" He asked skeptical.

"I'm her brother,I have a key to his dorm room,I knock in case their changing or something." He pushed Sun down on the bed and got in besides him,facing him.

"Uh what about the light?" Sun asked,clearly even more flustered than before.

Barracuda just shot a small shot of ink at the light switch. "There it's off,I'll get the ink off tomorrow." He rubbed his eyes tiredly. "I promise."

"Alrighty. Night Kaiju."


"Hey wait,umm you were talking in your sleep. What was it about? You don't have to say."

"Oh,it was just a nightmare,about a bad memory. That's all."

"Oh okay. Welp goodnight Kaiju."

"Night Himari."

Ffffffvvvvvvvvvv little angsty,not much tho. Eh you guys will probably get angst in the future anyways,this is just a taste of what I'm capable of 👹

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