Chapter 4

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Ring, Ring, Ring

Y/n woke to her phone ringing. She went to reach for it but noticed an arm wrapped around her. She turned her head and smiled when she saw Eric. She went to move his arm when he started to pull her closer.

"And where do you think you're going, little one," he said smirking. "Someone's calling," She said as her phone rang one more time before going silent. "Well, they're not anymore," he said. She giggled as he moved to hover over her.

He looked down into her eyes and smiled as she looked back at him with love and adoration. In all the years he had lived, no woman, human at that, had made him feel the way she did. Sure, he'd had relations but none of them could ever compare to her.

"Eric," she softly said, "since I'm your mate, does this mean you're mine forever." He smiled down at her before he began to speak, "yes, no one can break a mate bond, it's one of the most powerful forces on earth. No one will ever compare to you, and now I'll always be able to find you and know what you're feeling."

She looked at him in awe before planting a kiss on his lips. He kissed her back without hesitation, feeling the love in her heart for him.

She pulled away with a smile. "I could get used to this," she said happily. Eric smiled and gave her a peck on the lips and one on her mark, before laying his head on her chest.

Y/n reached for her phone and noticed she had 15 missed calls and even more text messages all asking where she was and if she was ok.

Y/n groaned and Eric looked at her with worry. "What is it," he asked. "Oh, I forgot to tell everyone where I was so they've been blowing up my phone," she said, "I should probably call and let them know I'm okay."

Eric nodded his head and placed it back down as her hand started to play with his hair. The phone rang twice before she heard the yelling.

"Y/f/n Y/m/n Stackhouse, do you have any idea how worried we've all been," Sookie said as she began to ramble. "You can't just go missing" Sookie said but was interrupted.

"Sook I'm sorry, I fell asleep at a friends, cause Dawn asked me to come pick her up and I was too tired to drive back," Y/n said, "please don't be mad at me," she said softly.

Sookie groaned before answering back, "I'm not mad bug, I just was so scared. You're my baby sister and if anything happened to you I wouldn't be able to forgive myself," Sookie said.

"I know Sook I'm sorry, I'll be home in a little bit, and I have a surprise," Y/n said. Sookie laughed before replying "ok bug, I get off at 12, I'll see you when I get home and I love you." "I love you too," Y/n replied before hanging up.

She looked at the time and noticed that it was 9 in the evening. "Eric, would you be okay with meeting my grandmother," she said shyly looking away. Eric smiled and lifted her chin so she could look at him.

"If she's important to you then she's important to me," he said looking in her eyes. She smiled and gave him a big hug as thank yous spilled out of her mouth.

He moved over as she jumped and ran to the bathroom to make herself presentable.

When she looked in the mirror she noticed the mark on her neck. "Eric," she yelled, "what did you do to my neck."

He walked into the bathroom and stood behind her. He gently placed one hand on her neck while the other he used to lightly rub his thumb against her mark.

"That's what we call a mate mark, it shows others that you're untouchable and you're mine," he said kissing the top of her head.

Y/n felt conflicted. Yes she was mad because he did it without asking, but the other part of her was feeling a sense of pride that he wanted others to know she was his.

"I wish you would have asked first, but I understand, I just have to figure out how to explain this to everyone," she said looking at the mark.

Eric smirked, "just tell them the truth, you're my mate." Y/n nodded before turning around and putting her arms around his neck. She smiled up at him before placing a quick kiss on his lips.

She pulled away "ok we should go before Sookie blows a gasket," she said. Eric nodded and grabbed her hand as they walked through the building.

They got to the front and were walking through the crowd when Pam stopped in front of them.

"Well, well, well I see you two have become well acquainted," she said smirking. "Yes, and I'm taking her home so I need you to watch the bar for me," Eric said wrapping his arm around Y/n.

Pam nodded "I hope to be seeing you more," she said. Y/n walked forward and gave Pam a hug. Pam was surprised but gladly accepted with a smile.

She pulled back and smiled at her, "it was lovely to meet you," Y/n said. Pam nodded and moved out of the way as Eric took Y/n's hand and walked her outside. He opened her door and she got in. After he got in as well they were on their way.

True Blood X little readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon