Endeavor's flames flickered.

It was silent until the door burst in. The Blonde at a ready stance.

"I'm fine Kat." Izuku said "So we have a deal?"

"Fine." Endeavor said holding out a hand with a flame on it.

After a handshake Izuku pulled out a business card "This is my lawyer. He'll be discussing the contract with your lawyer."

Endeavor accepted the card and left.

"What just happened?"

"I might have to get Shoko pregnant soon." Izuku said.

"What?!" Katsumi shouted


"What?!" Hisashi shouted looking at the paper.

"Your wife is pregnant." The doctor said.

Hisashi and Inko had thought they had gotten lucky with Izuku. The thought of having another kid...

He could actually get to be around for it. His savings was enough he could retire and actually be around for it.


The 4 students were all herded to a private room to speak with two people.

The police chief, and and a detective named Naomasa Tsukauchi.

The police chief, and and a detective named Naomasa Tsukauchi

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"What are we here for?" Shoko asked.

"I demand someone be present before any proceeding." Izuku said.

Toshinori had walked in. His helmet under his arm. "As their teacher I am here as a mediators for my students. I am allowed to veto questions if I decided they are out of boundaries."

"That is acceptable." Kenji said "Now it has come to my attention the incident was recorded."

"Yes I record everything." Izuku said.

"So you're suit caught the whole interaction?"

"My suit does have an on board camera." Izuku said.

"True. but that wasn't the question." Tsukauchi said.

"And the actual answer to that is not something I want in police documentation." Izuku countered.

"I know how and I also don't want that information disclosed." Toshinori said.

"Very well." The Chief said pulling up the video "This video was given willingly by one Iron Liberty last night. Can you please give some details on your locations at that time?"

"I was with Endeavor and Emerald Esper." Shoko said.

"Katsumi and I were on our way here." Izuku said.

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