Mental Health

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My new job was just what I had expected. I clean for most of the morning, then do a morning feeding. I eat lunch then gather fish and do some projects. I feel confident after my first day. 

Curran honks his horn as I walk out of the employee entrance. I quickly dash over and slip in. I crash my lips against his. I smile at him. 

He wrinkles his nose. "I love you Nalia, but gosh do you stink." 

I smack his arm and face forward putting my seatbelt on. "That's so rude. I can't help how I smell after work. Penguins just have a stink." 

Curran pulls away from the parking lot. "I'm just teasing. How did your day go?"

"Good. Everyone seems pretty cool. I can't wait to get to know the penguins." 

"That's great." Curran takes a deep breath. "I do have to tell you something." He glances at me. "I have an audition tomorrow so I won't be able to pick you up tomorrow." 

I nod. "Ok that's alright. I understand. I'll cross my fingers for you." 

Curran releases a breath. "Thanks. I'm just really nervous for this one."

I look over at him. He was shaking his left leg and I could see a little sweat on his forehead. "I'm sure you will blow them away." 

"I really hope so." Curran turns on the radio and is silent for the rest of the drive. 

Curran drops me off at my house. He wanted to study for his audition tonight. I give him a kiss and say good luck before I jump out of the car. 

I open the door and am greeted by Spencer. His tail was wagging and he carried a ball in his mouth. I say hello and run upstairs. Molly and Rachel were sitting at the vanity. 

"Hey Nalia." Molly greets me but is scolded by Rachel for moving. I drop my bag and dig around in it. I eventually end up just dumping it on the bed. I sigh not seeing the pills I needed. I grab a change of clothes and go to the bathroom. 

I take a quick shower, hoping I didn't smell anymore. I brush my teeth and squeeze as much water out of my hair as possible. I throw on my tshirt and shorts. I go back into the bedroom. The girls were gone. I grab my penguin bag and walk back out the door. 

Downstairs Ethan was at the stove making something. "Hey Ethan, do you know where Molly went?"

He doesn't turn around. "She and Rachel went out to eat." 

"Ok thanks. I'll be right back. I think I left something at Mark's." 

"Alright. Drive safe." 

It took me a second to remember how to get to Mark's. Luckily for me, I'm good at learning new neighborhoods. I pull into the driveway and put the car in park. I walk up to the front door and knock. A few seconds go by and the door opens, but it isn't Mark.

"Hey Nalia." Seán looks at me surprised. 

"Hey. Is Mark here? I think I left something here. I just wanted to look around for it." I try to look over his shoulder. 

Seán shakes his head. "Mark took Chica on a run. I'm sure he wouldn't mind you looking around though." He moves out of the way and motions me inside. 

I walk in and head towards the couch. I felt around in the cushions and looked underneath. I made a lap around the living room and sigh. Seán is standing behind the couch near the stairs. 

"What did you lose?" 

I ignore his question and head upstairs. I go to the room Curran and I slept in. I look under the bed, in the blankets and under pillows. 

"Nalia." I turn around and see Seán in the doorway holding a small capsule of pills. He shakes it and tosses it to me. I turn over the capsule and find my name. 

I look over at him. "Thank you. I really needed these. I'm behind on them as it is." 

Seán crosses his arms. "Did your depression get worse?" 

"No. These are actually for anxiety. I call them my anti crazy pills." 

Seán gives me a concerned look. "Anti crazy?" 

I nod. "I used to have these weird fits caused by anxiety. My thoughts just kept going in circles with no solution and I eventually would have the sudden urge to do weird things. One time I wanted to run through the rain and scream." I giggle. "It was very distracting last year. I take these three times per day. Only half a tablet. I'll take a full one with dinner so I can caught up a little." 

Seán chuckles a little but it turns into a cough. He clears his throat and stops. "Well I hope you are well. You're not alone either. I have started taking antidepressants too. It's been hard lately." 

I take a breath and walk over to him. I look up at his deep blue eyes. His eyelashes were still dark and long making his eyes pop. "You can always talk to me Seán. I know you can tell I'm still a little awkward around you, but I can't help it. I never thought you and Curran would ever meet. It's kind of weird being around someone you used to love so much…" 

I could see a bit of hurt in his eyes now. "Used to?" 

I take a step back. "Yeah. After I came back home, I thought we would keep in contact. I tried but I'm not going to put effort into a relationship that wasn't being reciprocated, so I stopped. You didn't contact me and then I found Curran and I saw you found someone else." 

Seán looks down. "I dont expect you to forgive me but, I am so sorry. My mental health wasn't good when you left. Something just snapped in me and my mind hasn't gotten better." 

I grab his hand. "Seán it's ok, to not be ok. I was in school so I didn't try hard after a couple weeks. Maybe I should've reached out more…" 

Seán shakes his head. "No, this is on me. You didn't do anything wrong. Now we are both here. Still friends." 

I nod. "Friends, but this friend has to get going. I need to eat before taking my pill." 

Seán starts to guide me out of the room. "I can make you some eggs. We can catch up until Mark gets back." 

I glance at my watch and shrug. "Sure. I'll never turn down someone else's cooking." 

Seán chuckles. "I kind of figured. Let's go." He leads me out the door and back downstairs.

Jacksepticeye and Nalia AU: Fate (Jacksepticeye X OC)Where stories live. Discover now