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Just a few things we can all do while writing to promote diversity and representation.

Ask yourself these questions while writing:

When creating your cast, how many poc characters do you have? Do you have more white people than poc? If so, consider changing that. But make sure they are there to serve a purpose and you are not just adding them to be inclusive. Your white character can just as easily be black.

Do you have any LGBTQ+ characters? If not, consider adding one. But make sure they are not there just to be the gay best friend. Give them depth, substance, viscosity (do you get that reference? I think it shows my age).

Are all of your characters skinny and/or conventionally attractive? Think about changing that. There are many people who are bigger and not conventionally attractive. Look at Melissa McCarthy, Lizzo, and Barbie Ferreira. All gorgeous women despite the fact that they don't look like Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox.

Are any of your characters disabled? Do they have a mental illness? Anxiety? Autism? Mental illness is not something that is hard to find on Wattpad, because so many people suffer from them, but disabled OC's are few and far between.

Representation matters, even if you think it doesn't. People want to read about people who are like them, so that they can relate and immerse themselves in the story. And for things like mental illness, if portrayed correctly, can spread awareness.

And remember, when portraying things you don't have personal experience with, be sure to do your research! The most important thing is to not stereotype, because it is harmful to those groups of people.

alice quinn // writing helpWhere stories live. Discover now