Ps: wear black."

We need pictures.


"See you tomorrow" His reply never came so I decided to sleep I had a lunch date too so I'm tired.


"Nice place"

Manik comments and takes a place opposite me.

"What?" He asks hesitant as he sees my expression.

"You're thirty minutes late." I chide I hate late comers. Imagine me being late on my dates I'd be unemployed faster than I could blink.

"The meeting ran long and I texted you that I'll be late." He says sincerely. Well okay then.

"Battery ran out also I ordered for you."

"Of course you did" He chuckles and I realise that I ordered for him at our first meeting too.

"You look tired" I notice his under eye bags which weren't there before.

"Yeah I'm leading this project so stayed late to complete the presentation." He sighs.

"Were you always a workaholic?" I ask.

"Never found something more rewarding enough to keep my attention for long so work it is." He shrugs.

"I take it you're not close to your family?" Because I've met enough people like him.

"I won't say not close but that feeling where people get you I just..... never got that with them." He rubs his eyes tiredly.
"I probably sound weird but at work we all have same passion and one goal so I always feel like that's where I belong." He finishes with a tired smile and my heart melts for him.

"I get it and I'm glad one of us loves what they do." I mutter the last part quietly but he still hears it.

"Did something happen?" His voice so soft I almost cried. It's been so long since someone showed concern for me.

"Nothing it gets overwhelming sometimes that's it." I gave him the polished version. He did not buy it but did not pester me either.

"So the contract?" He reminds me.

"Oh yeah" I slide the paperwork towards him.

"I'll review it and sign it by tomorrow." He doesn't take his eyes off the file and skims it through.

"The major points are
1) There will be just three dates and not more than that.
2) There will be no sort of personal relationship between the two parties while the contract is valid.
And lastly the company could sue the client if there's any harassment from the client in any form." I explain and he nods in understanding.

"Makes sense it's good that the company is concerned for your safety." This is the only clause which is helping me to keep going on.

"Yes so just sign it off and then we will move forward." He nods when our food arrives.

"It's lasagna, fish finger, chilly chicken and berry splash." I tell him the order.

"No coffee today?" He asks before I slurp my drink and I chuckle.

"Don't want to ruin my sleep and I see you're wearing black." I eyed his black crisp shirt rolled from the sleeves. Hot.

Stop it nandini.

"Of course I did, you asked me to. Always listen to the professional even though I've no idea what it's for." He cuts into the lasagna and serves it on my plate then his.

"We are going to click some pictures. First rule of fake dating." I munch the fish finger and dip it in the mayo.
Fish is so much better than chicken change my mind.

"Gotcha and how many times have you done this fake dating thing?" He questions his gaze locks with me.

I'm in this profession for just a year and I hate it with a passion. Not exactly hate but major dislike.

"Just twice I guess because most of the times people just need dates for events not like plan a whole facade of fake dating to trick their fam." Well thank god for that.

"Thanks for the shade" He narrow his eyes at me.

"Nah it's kinda fun" I say honestly.

"You don't like chilly chicken?" I ask as he kept staring at the dish that I served him.

"Just don't like veggies" He mumbles quietly.

"Are you saying you're a child manik?" I tease and his laser glare did nothing to my smile.

"I don't like capsicum" He mumbles.

Before I could think my hand went across the table and I took his capsicums.

"Aw look at you playing the loving girlfriend part already." He smirks.

"Course I am we already bicker like lovers darling." I play along and his smirk changed into a full beam smile which did something to my heart.

I try to ignore it and focus on my food instead.

We finished our food in silence because we were too exhausted to talk after work.

"Why did you make us colour coordinated?" He asks and wipes his mouth with napkin.

"To click pictures" Duh.


"I mean we are dating so of course we should have pictures together right?"

"Well that is smart totally getting my money's worth" he smirks.

"Technically you're not paying me yet" I say with a pointed look.

"Yeah I'll get the cheque tomorrow." He nods and asks for the bill.

"Take your time I'm desperate for money but not that much" I mutter.

"Who is not? Everyone's desperate for money. And whoever said that money doesn't buy happiness didn't know where to shop."

I choke on my water.

"Did you just quote Blair Waldorf?" His face flushes red.

"Well I did" He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"You're officially my favourite person" I beam full on smiling.

"Aw sweet cheeks I'm touched" He gushes, his fist on his heart.

"You should I barely like people" The irony in this.

"Same I run out of my social batter after two hours . Like dang I don't have that patience." He states like it's the first world problem.

"We were meant to be together" I grin and he smiles at me.

Our server comes with the bill and this time I let him pay because it's the end of the month and money is tight.

"Can you click our picture?" I ask him and he nods.

Manik and I stand together his hand slips on my waist and my heart erupts.

He clicked the picture when manik leans in and whispers "Can't wait to have you my girlfriend"

I look at him and he's grinning at me.


Whelp this going to be hard.

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