Chapter1: Reel or Real

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"Manik you should get married" My mother states calmly.

Which is the opposite of calm.

"Death is knocking on our doors I agree with your mother" My over dramatic father says sipping his fifth cup of tea.

Why do people drink so much tea?

And you may think cocaine addiction is bad.

"I am not ready" I simply say with a straight face but couldn't miss my mom's glare in my peripheral vision.

"You're thirty two no one will marry an oldie" My mom frowns and crosses her arms to look intimidating and I chock on my black coffee.

After a coughing fest I glare at my parents.

I'm sorry if I spent my twenties working on my career totally my fault.

"We are having a family meeting and I'm not even invited damn don't remove me from the family just yet." Adya my sister jumps on the couch besides dad.

She's a five five pale brunette which is pretty tall because our genes because I'm six one.

Like every daughter she's the apple of my parent's eye. Pampered. And Brand obsessed.

"Just because you're getting married in a few days doesn't mean we are kicking you out of the family. You'll always be my princess." Dad drops a kiss on her forehead affectionately.

Parents totally discriminate between their children. No one can change my mind.

"And you think kabhi khushi kabhi gham is extra." I roll my eyes and get up to leave because God forbid I get their disease.

"Sit down Manik" Mom's stern voice stop me on my tracks.

They have been pestering me to get married since last year and now my sister getting married in a few days makes it ten times worse.

"If I don't get married then there will be no one who will want to seperate me from you as my love will not get divided. You should be happy right" I mentally high five myself for coming up with such a good excuse.

My mom's face fell and she took a seat besides me.

Please god no.

"You know everyone in my kitty bitch about their daughter- in-laws and I feel so out of place. Do you not care about my feelings?"

I knew it.

I look at my dad and sister who are trying their best to control their laughter.

"Can you not quote kuch kuch hota hai?" I hid my face with my palm and everyone laugh.

Shore laugh at my misery.


I grew up with two women in my life and I've watched every srk movie more like karan johar movies. Just the same.

"We even found a match for you" Dad suggests and I stop breathing for a second.

"She's Vihaan's distant cousin she's pretty and she's in human resource same field as you." My dad says and I want to die. I absolutely don't want to get married.

Vihaan is Adya's boyfriend met in college fell in love blah blah just clichè story. Boring.

And not to generalise or anything but women in my field are pretty pretentious.

Not real at all.

"Financial analyst is not as same as human resource but okay" I mumble under my breath. My brain running five thoughts a mile.

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