Chapter2: Mixed up Orders

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I can slay any project wait slay? Adya ruined me. Darn her. I love her but also hate her. Damn she get on my nerves.

I'm a confident person but
I'm not going to lie my social anxiety is acting up.

My eyes rake the surroundings where I'm sitting in a small vintage cafe. The beige walls, vinyl record and the vintage posters adorned the walls.

The smell of caffeine hit my nostrils but I refrained myself to order anything. Well until Rhea arrives.

My fake date. Ah!

I'm not exactly a fan of big fancy places not exactly my thing so I chose this cafe near my work place.

I only half expect this too work because is it just me or this idea is totally crazy?

I fixed the meeting with Rhea yesterday. I asked if we could do  brunch she said yes. The agency gave me her number or work number I don't know.

The conversation did not last for more than two minutes all professional. That's right we are going to keep it very professional and orderly. No strings. Safe and nice.

Okay it's bothering me but h in Rhea that's not logical right? I mean no offense to any Rhea but what happened to good ol' Ria or Riya.

I should shut up.

I checked the time and it's twelve thirty she should be here if she's professional because I left my very important meeting for this date. A Not Date.

My leg bounced up and down when a voice made me halt my action.

"Hi" I looked up and this girl is clearly not Rhea.

"I'm sorry I'm late and you're Manik right?" She huffed across me.

Wait what now?

I'm pretty sure my order got mixed up with someone else.

Okay I should stop talking like they are things I'm gonna buy from Amazon.

This girl is 5'1 not 5'8 literally so much shorter than deepika. And she doesn't have high cheek bones but little chubby cheeks that I would squish if she wasn't a stranger.

"I am but I think there's a misunderstanding," I finally stuttered some words out after I stared at her like a moron.

"No there isn't" She cleared her throat and took a seat opposite to me.
Okay stranger make yourself comfortable.

"Actually Rhea got this family emergency had to leave for home so I'm covering up for her. Lucky for me you're my only client.  Wow this either comes out like a business deal or like an escort service there's no in between." She rambled on without giving me a chance to speak.

I was going to ask when she interrupted again.

"Just a second I'm going to order real quick." She signed to waiter to take her order.
"Can I get an iced caramel machiatto with extra whipped cream and a tiramisu?" She ordered without looking at the menu.

Well the pastries were on display asking to get eaten.

And my arteries got blocked just by listening to her order.

"It's early I need my coffee." She let a tired sigh out and I feel her because I'm a black coffee junky.

She looked at me expectedly.

"What do you want to order?" She asked politely.

"Nothi---" She interrupted me. Again.

"He'll take chicken or something thanks" she quickly ordered and dismissed the waiter.

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