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*Radio Static*

"Name it. What must I do? Tell me!" Nakano screamed. She was sitting in a long, seemingly never-ending hall, she kneeled on her left knee in respect, but her eyes blazed red with anger.

A woman stood in the darkness in front of her, her hands at her back. "In order to gain unimaginable, raw, amazing power," Nakano could see the aura in the darkness glowing green, she continued, "You must kill her. The one who made you feel the most pain in your past. The one who tormented you simply by matching your strength and much more. Your sister." She shuffled about a bit, "Kill her and steal her power, then go to defeat your brother. But to defeat your sister, who is stronger than you, you can only do one thing." 

Nakano could literally feel the woman in the darkness smiling at this point. "But that thing is one you must find out...for yourself." And just like that, the woman disappeared from there, as if she was never there in the first place. 

Nakano jumped up and broke through the ceiling. She gave off literal red vibes as her entire body glowed red in the darkness of the night. There were 3 moons on this planet. One was blue, one was red and one was green. The light of all three slithered around Nakano Bushida, as if the light was empowering her...blessing her...with the enormous power of all three colors. 

Nakano jumped once more, her katanas slipping out of their sheaths as that one jump turned into a million, at an intoxicating speed. 

*Radio Static*
"Are you in position?" 

Nakano answered, "Yes."

She stood with her katanas drawn on top of a building so tall it, would make you hallucinate just by looking down from the top.

She jumped.

Her red ribbons that were attached to her clothes and her cape fluttered around. Her legs were upwards, so she was hurtling down at the ground in a squat-position.

A minute or two later, she landed. No sound, and no injury. She continued running throughout the streets. 


The whooshing sounds never stopped as Nakano ran through the streets at midnight at a mind-bending speed. 

She came to a sudden stop as soon as she reached one certain house. Yes. This house. The one...from her memories. She tore the door down and entered, a katana in each hand. 

A woman stood there with an eyepatch over her left eye and her other eye red. A ribbon with a rose was at her neck. She wore a black and white dress and she had medium-length green hair.

She didn't look like much of a threat. In fact, she looked kind of sweet. But Nakano knew exactly how much of a threat she was. The one who annihilated entire galaxies single handedly in her prime. The one who brought down...her home universe. The one who slaughtered everyone in that universe ruthlessly within mere days.

The one who was Nakano's sister.

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