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In which Jungkook helps a stressed out Taehyung to relax

Top Kook bottom Tae



A sigh escaped from the boy's lips as laid on his bed with his arm over his eyes, covering his brown irises.

Exam seasons are quite stressful. You have to spend hours studying your text books and memorising your notes. Not something that someone really looks forward to. But unfortunately that is something they're obliged to do. And the pressure of getting good marks.....too much to handle.

Books, sheets, geometrical instruments, pens were sprawled on the table next to the bed. But the boy couldn't bring himself to get up and study more. After all, he was studying since early morning and had even stayed up till late at night and now it was afternoon.

He turned his head towards the door as it opened and came in a person, holding a tray filled with food. The person let out a light chuckle upon seeing the other spread out on the bed.

"Tired?" The boy nodded lazily as he sat up. "Very. Thanks for bringing in the food Jungkook."

Jungkook pushed the contents of the table aside, putting the food tray on the table. "No problem Taehyung. You didn't have breakfast this morning so I brought a little bit of extra food."

Taehyung yawned. "Sorry. Lost track of time." He stretched as Jungkook sat down on the bed next to him. "You need to take care of yourself Tae. Studies are important but you can't let yourself get sick because of it." Taehyung let out a hum.

Jungkook sighed. "Come on now. Eat up."

Taehyung nodded as he started digging in, only now realising how hungry he was. "Did you eat?" He asked, stopping for a second. Jungkook nodded. "Yup I did. Seeing that you didn't come out of your room, I brought your food here."

Taehyung smiled. "Thank you Kook. I really appreciate it." He said softly. Jungkook returned the smile.

Taehyung set the tray aside after he was done eating. "I should start studying." He mumbled.

Jungkook scooted closer to him. "Which subject are you studying?" He asked. "English. I'm on the last chapter of grammar. I'll be done with it after that." Taehyung answered.

Jungkook nodded. "You think you should take a break?" Taehyung gave him a droll look. "I just did." Jungkook shook his head. "No like to relax a little."

Taehyung sighed. "I don't know Kookie.....I need to finish this by today." Jungkook intertwined their hands together. "Come on. Just for a little bit. You said this is the last one. You can finish it at night." Taehyung hesitated before letting out a sigh. "Okay but just for a little while."

Jungkook grinned. "That's my boy." He grabbed Taehyung and gently pulled him, both of them now laying on the bed. Taehyung scooted closer to him, burying his face in his chest as he took in his floral scent.

"You kinda smell like.....lavender." Jungkook chuckled. "Yeah I bathed with lavender scented soap today." Taehyung hummed. "It's relaxing." Jungkook smiled. "Is it?" He felt Taehyung nod against his chest.

He wrapped his arm around him, rubbing his back gently. "You'll do great in exam Tae. I'm sure you will." Taehyung smiled as he nuzzled his head in his chest. "Thanks Kook."

Here's another one~

To anyone that is having their exams or is about to have their exams, best of luck 🍀

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