16 Years Back

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The darkest of soul owns the brightest of eyes. They say eyes don't lie, but yours most definitely did.

I vividly remember the day I saw those magnetic eyes for the first time. 

Sixteen years ago when I was seven

It was raining cat and dog the day we moved to Claymont's residence. My mom had bagged a position of a maid in the majestic mansion that was now standing before us in all its glory. My dad died in a car accident two years ago, leaving us behind to fend for ourselves, and since then, my mom had been juggling multiple works to keep the wolf from our door. Although the income she accrued from her multiple jobs bought us meals twice a day, it wasn't anywhere enough to keep us going. We were barely scraping through life.

And one day one of her friends offered her the position of a maid in Claymont's Residence. The salary was triple the amount of what she was earning at that time and so she accepted the offer without making any further inquiry. Money was all we needed at that time. 

So coming back to the day when we stepped in through the metallic door of the mansion with mouth agape and eyes wide like a saucer. Mom was carrying a suitcase and an umbrella in her other hand. I was holding her maroon purse, completely enthralled by the sight of the mansion as I had never seen something like this before.

Mom was as mesmerized as me. With the flowery gardens surrounding it, the mansion looked like a castle straight out of a fairy tale. It was a feast for eyes. Mom stepped forward and I walked beside her as the rain had started to pour in full force. I could hear the pitter-patter of droplets crashing on our umbrella.

Mom rang the doorbell and told me to behave. She was nervous. I could see that. I nodded in response and looked ahead with the curiosity of a cat. I was dying to know how a magnificent house like this looks from inside.

A woman who must be in her late fifties opened the door. She greeted my Mom with a warm smile and patted my head affectionately, ruffling my slightly damped hair. I smiled back at her. After exchanging a few words with my mom, she asked us to follow her. But instead, Mom took off her sleepers first before going in and asked me to do the same as they had become dirty due to rain and muddied water. I kicked off my shoes hastily as I was growing impatient to see the mansion. 

With a big smile and gleaming eyes, I made no delay in jumping over the threshold. I felt like I have entered a different world that looked so much beautiful than the previous one. The first thing I noticed was a giant chandelier that hung in the middle of the vast living area. There were many decorative pieces hanging on the walls and sitting on the shelves. My childish mind was convinced that it was a castle. Now to another thought that popped in my head. Every castle has a prince so I wondered where the prince of this castle was. 

I was so lost in its beauty that I didn't realize when I had drifted away from my mother and now was standing all alone in the hall. Suddenly, the castle lost all its luster as trepidation crawled in as soon as my sense came back. With moistened eyes, I scanned the entire hall but couldn't find mom. Tears began to form in my blue eyes. I mumbled her name but no answer came. 

Hiccupping and sobbing I walked back on the only path that I knew and that led to outside. Her slippers were tucked against the wall next to mine which meant she was still here. But where? I was conflicted between going inside or waiting for her here. As much as I wanted to explore the mansion, I chose later.

I plastered my back against the wall and observed the garden that was treasuring beautiful roses and other flowers. In no time, I forgot about my grief as a desire to dance in the rain took hold of me. The next thing I knew was my feet carrying me towards the garden that was looking even more colorful, fresh, and washed because of the rain. 

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