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*visualise this emotional, inspirational piano/violin music plss*

Life is amazing, aint it? Family, friends, people you love, presents, success, smiles, hugs and music, everything makes your life beautiful and more valuable everyday.  *picks up invitation* Well, looks like Soarin's family is inviting us for some grand feast on account of Christmas. 

My friends, cousins, grandparents, parents and other relatives, everyone was here, at my house. (almost 15 people) My aunt was happy. The doctor said that she'd only survive for 9 months more, but it has been 2 years and she's still thriving! This makes me so damn happy. Maybe its because she's surrounded with people she loves or maybe the meds haha! But whatever, Im happy she's still here with me today! <3


Time passed by so quickly and it was evening already. Everyone was getting ready to go to Soarin's so called 'party'. Except my 5 yr old cousin Janice. 

Mom: We're running late Dashie, is Janice ready?

Nah mom, ya'll leave, I'll get her. 

I arrived 20 min later. All the Wonderbolt families were there. Photographers for our official instagram page  I guess.

Then I saw him, surprisingly in a suit.



you wanna go out

right now?

Obviously. We'll come back for food haha. 

We went to some garden on a cliff again. I seem to like cliffs oof-. We could see the aurora borealis on top. Today felt different, more romantic than usual. I was looking up when he said 'Dashie'. I looked at him as he knelt down with *gasp*-

 a Diamond ring?! WHAT-

Dashie, ever since I saw you in school, I've been in love with you. Every moment seemed valuable with you and you taught me how cool life is, how cool popularity and love is. I really really like you, more than anyone ever. I promise I'll support you and take good care of you! You mean so much to me. I'm not able to put this into words. I know my life will never be complete without you beside me to share it. When I look into my heart, I see only you. If you can look into your heart and only see me, then we should spend the rest of our lives together. I promise you, no one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me.

I stood there like a doofus, speechless and dumbfounded. There were a variety of emotions. Adrenaline and serotonin were at its peaks ugh. After taking my time and coming out of that shock, I started crying  and hugged him so tight. I LOVE YOU LITTLE DOOFUS. YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS SOONER-*I cried.*

We kissed, passionately, under the mistletoe (Coincidence). It felt so magical.

  We should do this more often. *sniffles*.

My Doofus. I said

I'd rather be your doofus than anyone else's .

We rode on the bike back home. I hugged him so hard. I couldn't take that there was a frickin engagement ring on my finger by the guy I loved most. We reached, everyone knew before me- They ran and congratulated us. The most beautiful day was today.  He didn't see my imperfections, my language. He taught me to see the good in people. He only saw my good side. And that's why I loved him. Only him. Nothing could change that.

PITCH PERFECT LOVE🫧|| SoarindashOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz