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"life is pretty"

RING! RIIIINGGGGG! Urgh! I hate my alarm so much. It was 7:00 in the morning. I had my shower and wore my favorite dress.

Ugh, which idiot starts a story with an alarm?! Where are my manners!? Sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm Rainbow dash but everyone just calls me Dashie. I'm an average, lazy, typical 17 year old teen who hates life and has some hidden wounds. Meh, that was a long time ago. I'm living my best life now, I have an annoying sister, Scoots, my mom, dad and yeaah.. That's all.

I go to canterlot every morning for college and thats where my best friends Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity come in action. We're pretty much the popular squad and have a LOT of enemies. Well, popularity has its consequences...

So... My life is pretty cool now. I'm a singer, and I sing REALLY well (not to brag). Lucky for me, my parents are super supportive , so they pretty much buy me every tool or instrument I need. I can play the guitar, violin, viola, drums, piano and I'm also a part time DJ HAHA!

I have a cool voice , kinda melodious too. I can mimic anyone and sing anything. My voice has an in buit autotune in it! Good for me. I'm also pretty good at mental math. I can do looooooooooooong equations in my mind. It's just pretty easy

I'm a straight A student, I have a cool family, I'm an amazing singer so, I can clearly say I am multitalented AND leading an amazing life.

But no boyfriends-

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