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Wha-t *crying and voice shivering*

Tears ran down my eyes. I got on my bike and vroomed to my house as fast as I could. For the first time, I witnessed my uncle crying and drinking. Nobody from my family drinks, my mom was consoling my aunt. 

Dashie? Are you okay??! My friends screamed.

My aunt and uncle mean a lot for me. Honestly, after my parents, its them. They're always my topmost priority ever since I lost my grandparents. They're almost like my parents and boyfriend (even though I don't have one) combined. They had always been there for me whenever my parents were unavailable due to their 'busy lives'. I love them with all my heart.

I ran to my aunt and knelt down at her feet and rested my head on her knees while she sat on the sofa with a prescription in hands, in shock. My mom sat down and hugged me. I was heartbroken.

Apparently my aunt had a rare disease which wasn't curable and she didn't have much time left. Oh my god I was so heartbroken, shocked, speechless and I just lied there. Just lied there near her knees. Suddenly and finally, I heard her speak.

"Dashie..e.e..." She patted my head.

Aunt, I'm so sorry! I exclaimed with tears in my eyes.

"Oh, that's fine darling. Leave about me. Death will eventually come to all. I'm just glad I had beautiful people in my life and I got to spend time with them. Especially you, my star. No matter how big you grow, you will still be my little Dashie. I love you dear. I've always wanted you to settle in life and find a good person for yourself, surround yourself with your loved ones. Live your life to the fullest. I want to see that guy before I die and I want to see your success before I leave this fulfilling world. " She said wiping my tears. My heart just melted. She smiled. My mom was relieved and my uncle had a mental breakdown.

Yeah, okay aunt. I said. My friends kept calling me repeatedly. Twilight and the others barged into the house. 

"Hey aunt Casperina" Said twily. They've known her since when she was 2.

Hi Twilight.

I just stood there with a devastated look on my face. My dog tried to console me. Applejack came to me, fluttershy understoond the situation. All of them surrounded me and walked up to my room.

I explained the entire situation to them. They all were shocked, surprised and quite flustered.

Twilight tried to console my and pinkie. Damn she gave me a good suggestion.

"Work your relationship with Soarin and go, become a popstar. Aunt Casperina is a huge fan of music and I think she'd be really happy with your success". "Go we're here to help you". "Christmas is in a few months, you can surprise her maybe." 

Okay 'mission making her happy' starts now


More sauce coming soon. If you've read it till here, thank you so much. I hope you like the story. To whoever's having a bad day out there, you're super strong and special. You're valuable. Stay strong. Whoever is battling with a problem, yall are my inspiration! I could never. Your strength is admired by me and everyone else out there. Please continue winning, achieving in anything. Don't lose hope. I believe ya'll can make it. Sending love,

Your friend,

Inkpadnovella (Vika) :)

stay strong darlingssss-:)

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