07 || Letter

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07 || Letter

u n e d i t e d

Chifuyu worriedly looked at his friend. Baji was slumped against his desk, as he repeatedly hit it. If Baji was in a different mood, he would have told him off because of the fact he was messing up his newly cleaned desk. Chifuyu held back when he realized that the older boy was feeling down.

He had been ever since he arrived earlier with a yakisoba in hand and something surprisingly new— a tub of ice cream. If Baji was in a relationship, he would have thought that his friend was experiencing a break up.

That's the thing, he's not.

That's what they're aware of to say the least.

Having enough and not wanting his freshly stacked mangas to fall down from the older boy's fist, Chifuyu approached Baji to ask him what happened.

"What happened Baji-san?" Chifuyu was shocked because instead of getting a reply, Baji turned to him and hugged him. Complaining and murmuring on his shirt, forming incoherent words. Chifuyu stared down at the older boy with a look of horror in his face.

What the hell...

"Baji-san let go of me! You're ruining my shirt!" Chifuyu said as he tried to push off the older boy who had an iron grip around him, not letting him go.

"Chifuyu how could you be so heartless, your best friend is suffering over here." Baji sarcastically said as he fake sobbed, still clinging on to the younger boy.

"Is it the study session? You just told me you had a great time."

"It is but at the same time not exactly."

Chifuyu could only deadpan, not getting what Baji was trying to imply. Unfortunately for him, Baji just decided to let him go and not provide any sort of explanation, leaving him even more confused.

Chifuyu watched as Baji looked through his drawers, obviously searching for something. He almost wanted to throw the boy out when the black haired boy started making a mess of his stuff that he just organized a while ago.

"Baji-san don't throw th—" Before Chifuyu can even warn Baji, the older boy decided to throw the paper away, leaving Chifuyu to do all the catching and picking up.

Stop messing with my stuff. Chifuyu internally cried as he looked at his beloved stationary on his hands then back to the older boy who just carelessly threw them off. This continued till Baji got a hold of a cat themed paper.

"This is it, Chifuyu!"

"You threw away my other papers... cause you were looking for a paper?" Chifuyu deadpanned, still not happy with the fact his friend threw away his belongings in the air carelessly.

"No, this paper is cute!" Baji said, pointing at the cat designs on the corner.

"I still don't get it, why do you even need that?" Chifuyu asked, sighing as he placed down his other items on his bed. Fully knowing that he'll have to put it all back in place later.

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