04 || Determination

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04 || Determination

u n e d i t e d

Baji ruffled his hair as he walked down the street after parting ways with his friends. Contrary to his confidence earlier, he was nervous. He didn't know where and how to start. He barely knew anything about the girl other than her name and class. Though he did get some good advice from Draken he still can't help but worry. Most especially with Izana's words still lingering in his mind.

This was a first for him that's why he decided that he'll go all out. So even if he gets rejected in the end, he'll be able to say that he gave it his all.

As Baji walked to the nearest convenience store, he began listing names of people he plans on talking to and asking for advice. He already knew that Draken and Mitsuya were the ones he can most likely rely on and maybe even Chifuyu. Though Chifuyu's opinion might be heavily dependent on the stories he read.

As he was listing his options, he suddenly recalled their conversation earlier and how Draken suggested asking Shinichiro for help since he's technically the oldest one they know that could help.

"What about Shinichiro? He definitely has some experience." Draken asked.

Baji and Mikey could only laugh as the memories from their childhood days came to mind. Sure Shinichiro could be charming and he's definitely older than them but his experience with girls—

Let's just say even Baji is better at interacting with them.

"Yeah right. That dude's been rejected over 20 times as far as I know." Mikey said, still laughing about the taller boy's suggestion.

Draken looked at them surprised. He had been close to Mikey and not Shinichiro so he wasn't that familiar with the older man. He did see him every now and then and thought that Mikey definitely got his charisma from him. So color him surprised when he found out that a guy like that was rejected, not only once but twenty times.

"He got rejected that many times?!" Draken asked, bewildered.

Baji laughed before answering. "Yeah I could still remember the time when we personally witnessed him get rejected."

The two wiped the tears that started forming on the corners of their eyes as Draken sat there, still trying to process what he had just learned.

Baji knew that Shinichiro would be the last person he'd ask for help. Not only because of the man's rejection streak but simply because he didn't want to bother him.

Still, he shivered at the thought of ending up like the older man.

Baji cleared his head when he realized that he had already arrived at his destination. He entered the store and immediately went to the aisle where his favorite yakisoba was. But as if the world wanted him to suffer even more, he was greeted by an empty shelf. The boy immediately went to the cashier to ask if they had any stock.

"Excuse me, do you have any peyoung yakisoba left?" Baji asked the boy at the counter.

"Peyoung yakisoba? Stock's coming tomorrow, sorry." The boy answered. Baji only bowed in reply as he went out of the store and sat on one of the chairs outside.

You've got to be kidding me. Baji thought as he looked at the sky. He observed the clouds as he complained in his head how unfair the world was being. Starting off with how Mikey had revealed his first crush to probably the whole school, second was Izana's words, and now his favorite food wasn't available in his usual place. He groaned as he remembered that he still had school work to finish above all of that.

He stopped looking up when he felt a presence and heard the sound of something being placed on the table in front of him. He sat up straight and was surprised to see the girl he was just thinking about standing right in front of him. Not only that but the girl was handing him the peyoung yakisoba.

Baji didn't say anything and just continued staring at the h/c girl. The girl who is seemingly growing wings as the sun shines from her back. Baji could only wonder if this is what angels looked like.

Breaking the silence y/n spoke up. "I saw you asking for this earlier, I actually got the last one. You can have it since the person I bought it for already bought something for himself."

Baji nodded as he took it but not breaking eye contact with the girl. Not knowing what to say, the boy just opened and closed his mouth, unable to form words. Nervousness started to erupt even more when he started feeling the awkwardness between them. In an attempt to redeem himself, Baji said the first words that came to mind.

"Are you an angel, l/n-san?!"


Baji cursed in his head. Redeem yourself, my ass. He thought as he continued to diss himself in his head.

"I'm not, thanks for the thought though." Y/n answered cooly, not really bothered by what the boy had just said or at least that's how it looked like for Baji.

So cool. The black haired boy thought. He was amazed with how the older girl replied despite such an awkward and sudden question.

"No need to be awkward around me, Baji, and y/n is fine." The girl added, wanting to make the boy feel less embarrassed.

"Ok, Y/n-senpai! Also thanks for this." Baji said, raising the yakisoba he had received while smiling brightly.

"No problem. I'll go ahead now, enjoy your meal." Y/n said before walking away.

Once Baji was sure that the older girl was away and out of earshot, he started hitting the table repeatedly due to what just happened.

She's an angel. She's an angel. She's an angel. The boy chanted in his head. Baji looked at the unopened yakisoba and started hugging it as if it was a stuffed toy . How am I supposed to eat you when you were given by such a precious person? Baji mentally asked the inanimate object.

Suddenly recalling again the scene earlier, the boy once more, started repeatedly hitting the table once again as he buried himself in it. Blushing both due to the embarrassment and excitement he felt when it was just the two of them.

Interacting with the girl once more made him wonder, how did she ended up befriending Izana, their personalities seem so different? Baji thought but instantly decided to think about something else. Just thinking about the older boy fills his head with negativity.

Smiling once more at the box of peyoung yakisoba, Baji thought to himself, I'll work hard, y/n-senpai!

The feeling of dejection earlier was long gone and was now replaced with nothing but determination.

I'll definitely make you say yes.


"Y/n-chan where's my yakisoba?" Rindou asked as he approached his cousin who had a small smile on her face.  Since the older girl was lost in thought, she had failed to notice her cousin approaching. As Rindou got closer, he could swear that he heard her mutter the word cute.

Rindou successfully got y/n's attention when he tapped her shoulder.

"What's wrong Rindou? Do you need more ice?" Y/n asked, as she raised her head to look at her cousin, who was holding an ice pack on his cheek.

"No, I was asking where was the yakisoba I asked you to buy?"

Y/n looked at her cousin then to her empty hands. Oh. She thought, remembering how she had given it to the black haired boy earlier.

"Hello? y/n-chan? Where's my yakisoba?" Rindou asked again, waving his free hand in front of her face when he noticed that she got lost in thought once again.

"Ah... I ate it."

"What the fuck? That was my own money!"

a/n: Rindou deserves a break. Also, sorry for the inconsistent updates, I only really write when I have artblock.

(✓) 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 ❥ Baji KeisukeWhere stories live. Discover now