"It's definitely some men out here that you need to be giving Ted Talks to, Marcus." Lauryn rolled her eyes and looked at me. I already knew who she was referring to. Bakari needed more than a Ted Talk. He needed a warning shot to his kneecap. 

"I mean, depending on how long you guys keep me around, I could help some of the younger guys with that? If that's cool with you Ms. F-"

"Marcus, for the last time, Solana or Lana is just fine. Don't make me feel old, please." I laughed, putting my hand on his shoulder. His head ducked again, the heat was more than likely rising to his face.

"Gotta get used to it still." He gripped the straps to his backpack. "When do you plan on opening? If you don't mind me asking."

"I start press for the launch next month, so more than likely, by October? That's the goal."

Getting everything together wasn't hard. There are a lot of kids in the area who are looking for a different start; and I don't mind helping. The hard part would simply be continuing to keep two businesses from ever seeing each other, and questions forming around them.

To 'help' with that, I'm meeting with Bakari today to get insight. Lauryn knew, and she was not happy about the idea. Marcus also knew, and he still doesn't trust Bakari. It's admirable how protective he gets, while still trying to stay on Bakari's good side. 

I told Marcus he had nothing to worry about. I made it clear multiple times that Marcus was off limits. The same way I looked at Lauryn, I looked at him.

"I can't wait." He beamed before looking down at his phone. "I gotta get going before it gets too late."

Nodding, I quickly stopped him before he could make it to the elevator. "Uh, excuse me? Don't think I'm letting you walk home. I'm calling you an Uber."

"Lana, I don't live that far-" He protested with a chuckle, but stopped when he noticed the curve of my eyebrow. "Okay, I'll take the Uber."

"I promised you and your mom that I'd look out for you, and I keep my word." I quickly typed our address into the app, following with his own. For his own safety, I got him the Uber Black option. Savannah told us that from time to time when she would be on trips, she would always take this option to keep a low profile. It seemed fitting for him also. After what happened when we met with the drug exchange, I always make sure to keep him safe just in case.

I wasn't sure if it was an older sibling-like feeling that fell over me, or a maternal instinct that wanted to brew up in my ass all of a sudden, but Marcus definitely brought it out of me, and I didn't mind. 

"Lauryn, can you stay with Marcus until his ride comes? I have to meet up with Bakari about the building."

"Oh, you have to meet up with bitch boy?" She hummed, looking into her own personal phone. I already figured she was texting the guy that she met at the coffee shop from a few weeks ago. They've been talking on and off the the past few days due to their schedules, but Lauryn still hasn't planned a date and time for him to take her out, despite his constant asking. 

At least he was asking. 

"You know what? Cancel the Uber. I can take him home. I'm not doing much of anything for the rest of the night anyway." Looking at me, Lauryn placed her hand on Marcus' shoulder. "Hungry? We can stop by a Chinese spot and get something for you and the family. Shit, I'll get me something too."

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