Revenge Oh, So Pink

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Kakashi parries to the right as a poison-laced kunai is hurled his way, narrowly missing his head as it thunks into the wall of the Hokage's office.

It had all happened so fast; after overhearing the details of Okigawa's plan to kill Tsunade through Hisashi, Kakashi had wasted no time in warning the Fifth Hokage of their treacherous plot. The Fifth had laughed - actually laughed - at the very idea of an assassination plot against her, especially from the likes of Hisashi. That kid's practically a twig! He's got nothing on me! Apparently, the little spy had planned to poison her with the same drug Kakashi had fallen victim to, and finish her off once she was immobilized.

Thanks to Tsunade's rule, Okigawa's usual business train had been forced to come to an almost complete halt, and so it was to be expected that he would not take kindly to it. Their normal dealings involved trafficking and paid assassinations, neither of which the Leaf approved of. Double-standard as it may seem, it's one thing to have to carry out an assassination order on a target that is knowingly harming (or going to harm) others, it's another thing entirely to murder your ex-wife for the right price.

Hisashi knew his plan had been foiled when Tsunade took a healthy sip of the drink he'd poured her...and just barely dodged her oncoming fist.

Poison doesn't tend to work when the recipient already has the antidote in their system!

Yes, the little twig-like Sasuke/Sai hybrid had tried to kill their beloved drunkard Hokage. And since that obviously didn't happen, here they were. Fighting Okigawa's minions yet again.

Kakashi briefly glances to his left; Tsunade is going toe-to-toe with several of Hisashi's undercover associates, in hiding until now. Shizune acts as backup, while several other shinobi come rushing in to aid. He looks back at his target; Hisashi himself.

This fight is going to be taken outside, too many people, he surmises.

And, just like he suspects, someone goes crashing through a window and several others follow, and the next thing he knows they're all having an all-out battle royale in the middle of the street, right in broad daylight.

He doesn't particularly care that Hisashi had been the top weasel to be sent into Leaf to try and kill their leader - hell, he doesn't even care that the little asshole is currently trying to one-up him in battle like the annoying showboat that he is - it's the fact that he had taken advantage of one of the most sweet, kind, and generous people to ever grace their village, gained her trust, and used it against her. That is what gnaws at him the most.


Hisashi sidesteps Kakashi's retaliatory kunai and ducks in close, intending to uppercut him. He dodges and backs up, pushing the majority of his weight onto his right foot. He has an opening, perfect.

This is it.

He heaves forward to punch him as hard as he can, but someone beats him to it; pink flashes across his vision and Hisashi is hurled at least a hundred feet.

Kakashi looks over at Sakura, completely stunned.
She turns to give him a nice bright smile, raising her dominant arm and patting the insanely strong muscle there. "That'll teach him to treat me like a second option, huh?"

He can't speak.

Can't think.

Kakashi can only grin.

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