Drown Your Sorrows

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"Say, Kakashi...why don't you have yourself a lady friend yet?"

Kakashi takes a sip of his sake, hardly paying Yamato any mind. The wood style ninja had invited him out for drinks after arriving back from his mission, and, with no mission of his own (and now no reading buddy), he took him up on the offer. Sakura had been dating Hisashi for over two months now, and with all her time now going towards him, Kakashi didn't really know what to do with himself.

What did he even do before Sakura?

He honestly can't recall.

"What do you think, Yamato? You've clearly got a theory."

His friend's eyes narrow just the slightest bit. "I think you've already got one; Sakura."

Kakashi's heart seizes a bit, but he doesn't let it show. Not in the least. "Sakura is dating Hisashi."

"I know. I've never seen you more put out."

"Sakura and I are friends."

"Yeah, that's sure what it looks like." Yamato's sarcastic quip ends with him downing a shot of sake, and he waves at the bartender to kindly ask for another. "So, you're really not gonna tell her how you feel?"

"Nothing to tell," Kakashi passes casually, waving a hand dismissively. "We're squad mates. I trained her, for God's sake. Do you know how inappropriate that is?"

He feels so uncomfortable. This is by far the most unwanted conversation he's had in a long time, and certainly the worst to have started out half decent and then gone south. He has no idea what Yamato really wants him to say or admit to, but whatever it is, he's not taking the bait. The last thing he needs is for word to go spreading around the entire village that ol' pervert Copy Nin Kakashi Hatake has it bad for his former student. How desperate did that sound?

"The fact that you're acting so defensive about it tells me all I need to know," Yamato affirms, taking a sip from his refill. Kakashi remains silent. "The only question now is: do you care about her enough to let her know? Or are you gonna play chicken and torture her by staying silent?"

Kakashi swirls the liquid in his cup, but doesn't drink. Instead, he stares off into space, the stress from the topic at hand building in his chest and gut. Finally, he speaks.

"...I don't see how it makes a difference."

His friend gawks at him, taken aback. "Wha- makes a difference?! It makes all the difference! You should tell her how you feel!"

"Let's get something straight, Yamato," Kakashi bites dangerously, gaze full of warning. "What goes on between Sakura and I is no concern of yours. Neither is what I do and don't do about it. So let it be."

Yamato's own gaze hardens, and he attempts to interject. "Kakashi-"

"It's none of your business."

A tense silence passes between them, so thick and heavy that even the bartender gets uncomfortable.

Yamato is the first to ease up, sighing in defeat. "Okay. You win."

He turns away from his friend and stands, getting out his wallet and laying down enough money to cover them both. He pats Kakashi on the shoulder as he passes by, taking a chance on touching him even though he knows it's not wise.

"Whatever choices you make, Kakashi, you'll have to live with them. But I'm sure you already know that."

He walks out of the bar and waves, though Kakashi doesn't see it. "Have a good one, buddy. Drink's on me."

Kakashi glances down at the cash laid down on the counter, and he sits by himself for some time, though he doesn't take another sip.

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