Take It From A Friend

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He doesn't sleep at all that night.

He can't, his brain is buzzing too quickly and too loudly for him to ever hope to gain any bliss from the plane of unconsciousness. When he looks back on this moment years later, he doesn't remember what exactly he thought about, any of his worries or dilemmas. Only that he felt sick all the way up to dawn. When he finally does decide to get out of bed, it's only to make coffee. Strong. Dark. Black coffee. He then continues to burn his eggs and singe his toast, and as he sits alone in his dreary home he tells himself he deserves the bitter taste of his breakfast.

He's not quite sure how he accomplishes it, but he makes it through one day without seeing Sakura.

Then another.

And another.

He starts to feel confident that he can make it a week, but of course, luck has never been a running streak for any member of the Hatake clan.

Kakashi meanders around town towards the end of the fourth day, and for no true reason at all, sits at their tree to read. He's not gone past the first page when a single leaf falls onto his book, and the rustling of leaves above catches his attention.

"Well, hello, there, Kakashi! Fancy meeting you here!"

Kakashi cringes. Guy.

The Leaf Village's famed Green Beast ceases hanging upside down from a branch (no doubt one of his many odd training methods) and hops down to meet his rival on the ground. The bowl-cut man flashes him a glinting smile, as is custom for someone like him, and greets the Copy nin with an over-exuberance that can't be denied.

"Man, I haven't seen you in ages! How goes it?!"

Kakashi blinks at the ridiculously enthusiastic thumbs up that is jammed in his face, and goes back to his book. He really doesn't have the energy to deal with him today. "It goes."

Guy freezes, expression going comically rigid; he clearly didn't expect to be blown off so soon.

"Wha- it goes? What kind of a no-good, half-hearted answer is that?! Surely you can come up with something better for your strongest opponent and deep-seeded rival!"

Kakashi doesn't react, just keeps his eyes trained on the page in front of him. "Sorry to disappoint. Not really feeling too good and whole-hearted today."

He expects Guy to simply deflate, give up, and go away, like an annoying fly, but he underestimates his fellow teammate's perceptiveness.

"Ahhh, got a case of the lady troubles, have you? Well, fear not! Because I just so happen to be a very good listener and an even better personal psychiatrist! Why, in fact, Lee's been having these dreams lately and I-"

Kakashi rolls his eyes.

Ah, to hell. Maybe it actually would make him feel better.

"Okay, fine." He interrupts, causing the older man's face to slacken. "But not here."

Guy pauses, nods, and the two Leaf ninja head for the rooftops.


"Alright, Kakashi, what's this about?"

The silver-haired man takes a deep breath as he leans against the ridge of shingles beside him, preparing himself for what he is about to say; what he is about to admit, more like it.

"Well...I've been having some problems, to put it lightly."

"Problems with a woman," Guy clarifies, smirking.

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