Chapter 6

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[...] Vermillion Residence, Inner Balcony

"That beast's vile and unsightly attack was thwarted and cleansed by my elegant and enchanting magic" — the voice of an orangish-haired colored male was heard.

"Hmmm? I heard different, like that you barely were able to change its trajectory" — an equally orangish-haired colored female answered.

"That's a small detail that grew into a horrid mistelling by jealous and repugnant mouths. You shouldn't allow your mind to be tainted by such words''

"The only tainted mind here is yours..." — she replied with disdain.

"Believe me, that demon's power was nothing to scoff at. I'm glad you weren't here or you could have resulted seriously injured"

"Well, of course, I would have protected you. No harm would come to you while in my beautiful presence"

"I would prefer being injured just so I could be taken to the hospital, far away from your presence" — she replied in the same manner as before.

"Hahaha, your sense of humor is still as refreshing as always, but that beast was no joke, I'm glad you were safely stationed in Heart"

'Safely stationed?' - the vein on her forehead grew noticeably. "Well, I recall Klaus saying that Asta was the one who killed that demon. By himself. Meaning, no help from you" — she made sure to put as much vitriol into her closing statement.

"Another small detail which I suppose I should acknowledge. He was less repulsive than before"

"And to be clear, I wasn't safely stationed. I had to take on an army of demons, that devil user that took my captain, keep everyone from dying, and help close that demon portal" — she slammed her hand on the table causing a slight jump from her brother.

"And don't make me remember that disgusting tongue-man-frog-thing that attacked us in Heart" — her face scrunched in repulsion.

"A frog-man? That does sound horrendous but no need for such violent displays, leave that to the rabble" — he noticed his sister was still upset. He imagined it being from remembering that encounter but he couldn't be more off the mark.

"Who exactly is the rabble you're talking about? Everyone fought to their best and even past that. Don't just brush off our effort like it was nothing" — her serious expression gave no possibility of misinterpretation.

"Well, you're being quite explosive today" — he said carefully.

"And you're more condescending than before" — her face remained without a smile.

Things were not going as he expected. The warm and welcoming reunion with his sister was supposed to be just that, but it wasn't, though he had an idea as to why.

"Now, let's calm down for a moment" — he was sure to have stepped out of line.

He expected her to sit and listen attentively. She was always so amazed to hear his stories and he enjoyed her attention as much as he enjoyed redacting the tales, and that was not what she wanted to hear now, he quickly reasoned.

Her open aggression wasn't a novelty. It was the timing. He straightened himself and ran a hand through his hair.

"I didn't mean to downplay your role, all I meant was that I wanted to have you either here or somewhere safer" — as oblivious as he was in his role in her exasperation he managed to guess correctly.

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