Chapter 1

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It was evening time and everyone was gathered in the lounge room. Yami had just returned from the first captain's meeting after a period of mandatory rest.

"Alright listen up everyone, I got some news, it's important so make sure you pay attention"

"Is it good news or bad news?" — Luck asked eagerly.

"Depends on how you see it" Yami responded.

"Oh, can we get the good news first please, captain!" — Asta asked even more eagerly than Luck.

Noelle who was beside him turned to look at her teammate.

"No, Asta, don't you know anything? Always start with the bad news so when you get to the good news, it makes the bad news not so bad anymore"

Asta took a moment to process what he just heard, a personal goal he had set for himself.

"But isn't bad news still the same whether you get it first or not?"

"That... well yes, but that's not the point! The point is that we want the good news last, trust me on this" — she responded, not very happy about having her logic so easily dismantled.

Asta again pondered on his teammate's statement and concluded to do as she said.

"Hmmm, I don't get it, but I'll trust you"

"Are you two done already? If so then shut up and listen, I'm about to start" — Yami's impatience was very visible by now.

The two quietly took their unofficial but agreed-upon seats for group meetings.

Yami looked at the rest of his squad, waiting for any other interruptions, but everyone was surprisingly calm, he had their complete attention.

"Alright first up. Asta, your trial is postponed until further notice. That might sound like good news but it's not. That scales bastard says he wants to arrange a private trial to prevent any interference like last time, and knowing that guy I'm sure he's up to no good"

"And Nero, also about the trial, you need to haul your ass over to Julius' tomorrow. If you have anything that can prove your citizenship and status from 500 years ago take it with you"

"Second, thanks to everyone's hard work, it seems our reputation has improved by a lot; so much in fact that there's a few nobles that are interested in our order"

This last bit of news provoked a mixed reaction in his squad, most of them cheered, the rest scoffed.

"I have a question captain!" — Asta jumped up and raised his hand as high as he could.

"Don't interrupt me pipsqueak, I'll get to the questions when I'm finished"

With that said, Noelle pulled him back to his seat.

"I already told Julius that I wanted nothing to do with them but it looks like they won't give up with just that. They got their eye on us for some reason."

"Also, Noelle, your brother says he wants to see you, today, in two hours at the northern plaza. That's all the info he gave me, he says you'll know"

'So soon?' - her stomach was not ready for that piece of news as it churned slightly.

She was informed after being discharged from the hospital that he wanted to discuss 'some matters' with her.

"Okay... I'll go get ready then" — Noelle said as she got up from her seat.

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