Escape from Raeviel

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The purple and blue smoke clears from our vision, leaving us in the middle of the main thoroughfare. Vendors and people alike begin shrieking. People suddenly appearing in the middle of the market is not a usual occurrence.

A few people step closer, as if to help, once they see two of us are injured. But they quickly retreat into the small crowd that gathers. No one steps forward to offer healing or aid.

I hide my face from onlookers. If word gets back to Father, he'll send Lyall's knights after us. The whole point of using the crystal to escape was to be untraceable. 'Lyall, hide your face,'

Behind me, Heath groans. His face leans into my good shoulder. I nearly tell him to get off. Then, a warm substance leaks onto my back, and I understand why Heath is groaning. He was hit as we travelled via the crystal. Oh shit, he won't be able to heal us like that.

"Heath. Breathe," I mutter to my friend. His response is to press his nose into my shoulder and groan.

"The arrow has magic-blocking properties," Heath grunts, trying to push off of me while trying not to push me to the ground. It's a work in process. And it's safe to say he felt that arrow.

"We know," Ashton groans, his feet slipping on the cobbled street. His brother and Levi manage to keep him from ending up on the ground.

"We need to move," Aleksander mutters, moving to support both Heath and me while avoiding the arrows sticking out of us.

Ashton sends a warning glare to his friend. So much for not going territorial. At least Aleksander will have an advantage in fending off Ashton. If it comes to that.

One of the long-range crystals, the one Aleksander used to get me out of Raeviel two years ago, would really be useful right about now. So I ask Aleksander if he has any of those laying about.


"Fuck," Several of us swear.

"I know,"

"We are too exposed," Rose says. I don't need to see her face to know she's concerned. I can hear it in her voice.

"Where? Where do you expect us to go?" Arin asks, genuine worry edging into her voice.

"The Twin Glades," From Arin's tone, Rose must have given her a knowing look.

"I fucking knew it," I groan as a wave of pain washes over me. I knew Levi went to the Twin Glades two nights ago. Then I mutter, "Lord Buron, here we come,"

"Why him?"

"He's the leader of the Twin Glades, and I was the one who gave him access to that power,"

"He hired you to clean out the Twin Glades,"

He did. It was a smart move, and I was so desperate to prove I was not a spoiled princess. So desperate to find my own way in the world. So desperate I did not read the fine print, nor did I expect the consequences.

"He saved the members he thought were worthy, and is why I hide from Alcottion," It's why I'm still hiding. Some day it will come back to bite us in the arse. I may not make it out alive, and I'm certain the others know it, too.

As my words fade, Aleksander hands me to Lyall, and he takes Heath. Together, they march ahead, with Rose leading the charge. Arin falls behind to watch everyone's backs.

My brother tries to take me ahead of Ashton, but I protest, stating that as his wife, I have a right to watch his back.

Lyall doesn't protest.

As we make our way to the Twin Glades people give us a wide berth. It takes us a while with three injured. Arin and Rose do their best to aid in taking away our pains, but it's almost too much to handle. For Ashton, it is. He passes out in Levi and Bennet's arms halfway to the guild.

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