Leader of The Phantom Guild

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"Put him on the table," Nyx yells as he pushes books, paper, maps and ink off the table in one swipe. Caspian and Axel carry the man in and haul him onto the table.

"Grab his shoulder. Hold him down," Nyx growls as he rushes around his and Indigo's room.

I grab Rye's shoulder and push down. The man howls, thrashing in my grip. It's a workout to keep Rye pinned to the table. Caspian holds Rye's legs down while Kerra pins Rye's other shoulder.

Nyx growls to himself. He rummages through his pack. What is he looking for? Nyx brings back herbs. He muddles them between his palms. What is he doing? Echinacea? What is he doing with Echinacea?

Is Nyx going to heal this man? I didn't realize necromancers could heal. I have never heard of such a thing. Nor did I think it was possible.

Nyx leans over Rye. "This will hurt,"

Way to be sentimental. You could have lied. It wouldn't do much harm. It's not like the poor man can respond. He can nearly groan, let alone tell you to stop. All I get in response is Rye thrashing even harder when Nyx begins healing.

Spirits Nyx. You couldn't be gentle.

Across the room, Morgan snorts.

Great, she's listening in.

"You know it," She mutters. I look back at her; sure enough, she's wearing a grin. Rye shifts under my grip. This earns me a scolding from Nyx.

Yeah, yeah, I got it.

I push harder on Rye's shoulder.

Nyx starts chanting. His chatting gets faster with every verse he spits out. His hands glow...no. Scratch that. The skin under his hands glows. I listen to the light. Holy fae. Ryes's skill is mending itself.

Kerra looks up at me. We make eye contact. "Never seen a necromancer heal?"


18 Lepus, 13077

Hours later, when Rye can speak complete sentences, he asks to be brought to the Phantom guild. A place I shouldn't go. Can't. But Rye has seen me, and Uriel said he'd handle it. But can I trust that he did?

Not really. But I have to go. It would be suspicious if I didn't.

"Up you go," Caspian mutters as he and Axel lift Rye off the bed. Together they help Rye walk.

I roll my eyes as they pass me. How can a grown male say that in such a babyish way? Rather why? It's almost like he didn't have a childhood...come to think of it, I didn't have a childhood. But Caspian isn't royal. I am.

Caspian must have caught my eye roll as he rolls his. Axel shakes his head. That's likely meant for both of us. Thank you for that. It's not like Axel's not childish. He has his moments. I can tell that Morgan is the youngest, and Indigo is the oldest.

"Stop that," Morgan growls.

Caspian bow's his head.

Ha, the great Caspian LaVane backs down from a younger female. Morgan is scary at times. I completely get it. But it's still funny.

Getting Rye from Nyx and Indigo's room to the bottom floor takes several agonizing minutes. At one point, they almost dropped the man. Hasn't he been through enough? His body's just been healed. It needs time to adjust.

Outside the inn, Indigo helps Caspian put Rye on Caspian's horse. I asked Morgan about it, and Caspian is a better rider than Indigo. It would make more sense for Indigo to take Rye due to being the tallest.

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