A Taste of Chaos Ch. 3

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A Taste of Chaos Ch. 3

By: DaddyIrishman

Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, I've been struggling with health issues and real life and I simply can't devote as much time to writing as I'd like. That said here's the newest chapter of Damiex's story. Silver Guardian is on hold right now as I honestly got bit burned out on it. I will go back to it eventually but for now I am focused on Taste of Chaos. Don't give up hope just be patient please.

Damiex woke to the now familiar sensation of cum rushing up his shaft and spurting out and a set of weeping nether lips riding his face. He groaned in ecstasy into the perfect little pussy on his mouth and attacked the clit causing thighs to clamp against his face and a scream to erupt above him. He felt multiple sets of lips trade off during his long orgasm until he was finally done and Willow as it turned out climbed from his head and chest. It seems all of the girls including Alizay got their treat this morning as seven drunk faces greeted him with pleased smiles.

With a demonic grin on his face Damiex greeted them. "Good morning my ladies, thank you for the wake up call."

All in sync as if they'd practiced it they said as one, "Good morning love!" Before they all giggled and started to get ready for the day. Alizay led him into his wardrobe and dressed him in what had become fairly traditional clothing for him of an elaborate buckled and strapped leather vest in blood red and tight black pants and high chunky boots. Alizay had commented more than one morning on how dangerous and powerful it made him look and how she got wet just looking at him. He still knew nothing of fashion and pretty much let his little succubus always have her way which pleased her to no end.

After a quick but filling breakfast Amaranda, Alissa, Cassius and Lunara left to attend to other duties and tasks. Being the Sins and near the top of the Lands of Lust they all had troops and responsibilities within the Palace and capital that they saw to regularly. Each Sin's troops were fanatically loyal to their Sin and would fight feverishly in defense of the Palace and the Capital. Most days they were busy but Damiex had made sure that they took some time for themselves as well.

Zaxen and Damiex along with Willow and Ariel and Serenity and Alizay however made their way to the back of the Palace to the small personal farm that had been erected discretely on the grounds at Damiex's order. Damiex wanted Zaxen there at the ground level as well as Willow as both of them would be involved in every step as this either succeeded or failed.

When they got there a sizable collection of the ground staff was waiting for them having been organized previously by Alizay. They all had experience tending the grounds and orchards and vineyards around the Palace and Alizay had even had some staff brought in that had experience raising livestock native to Lust as well.

Damiex and Willow addressed everyone and shared what they had gathered and what they knew of the different needs and care of the animals and crops so that everyone involved had the same knowledge. Damiex passed out dozens of farmers almanacs that he had bought at the stock show to use as a guide as well. The staff's focus was to find out what food the animals were tolerant to that grew here natively and to care for their needs and tend the crops. It would be a new challenge and a learning experience but aside from the animals this would be old hat to them as it's what they did daily for the rest of the grounds as well.

The next two hours was spent unloading all of the different animals and getting them setup in their enclosures and pens as they began to settle down and explore their new homes. After that it was time for the crops. A decent garden and field had been plowed for all of the crops and eventually all of them were unloaded.

Damiex instructed Alizay to have Ariel's roses and Serenity's lilies planted in his private waterfall garden and to have special attention paid to them to be protected. The rice due to its unique growing needs was sent off to another part of the grounds along a stream where they had constructed and flooded a rice paddy for optimum growing conditions.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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