Chapter 1 - The 'one-handed monster'

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This story is old and quite cringe. Don't judge, lol. I placed it back because it has fans. But the writing isn't the best 🤣


Armin looked at the plate in front of him. His mother had put all her love and hard work into that meal, he could tell. They never ate such extravagant food. She had given him the most tender piece of meat, which she probably cooked to comfort him, but he couldn't eat it. Not even one bite. His stomach turned in all directions. He felt nauseous.

His father just dropped a bomb on him. He was told that he was to marry someone he had never met before. Someone he didn't love. Someone that was a pariah to society. The 'one-handed monster' that's what the people in town called that someone.

A man that was known as Kristof Sutherfield.

Besides him being famed for being a freak, he was also well-known for being the wealthiest man in the country.

Kristof wasn't liked by the people of nobility, for he was no nobleman like they were. He held no title, like a duke or an earl. He gained his fortune by earning it with his own hands, or better yet, single-handedly.

The man only had one hand! His left hand was missing. He also had a big scar on his face. A flaw. Running from his eyebrow, all the way down. It reached almost to the corner of his mouth.

The people in town told all kinds of tales about the man's missing hand. They said the devil ate it himself. Or that when Kristof was disobedient as a child, his own mother chopped it off with an ax! However, nobody really knew the true story...

Though the people cruelly talked about Kristof's appearance behind his back all the time, he was also loved by them up to a certain degree. He helped them financially even when their own king wouldn't. They loved him for his money and praised him for that. But that's all they really wanted from him.

"I will not do it, papa. I won't marry him," Armin spoke softly.

It was just so surreal to him.

"Yes, you will!" his father replied, not tolerating any backtalk from his son. His firstborn.

Theo was offered a large amount of money for this arranged marriage. Of course, he didn't want his son to be unhappy, but the family was financially struggling and he had more children to take care of.

His son had always been popular and lots of people wanted to marry him. The beauty of Armin, now twenty-one years old, was known all over the country.

Theo had always refused proposals, but this time the amount of money that was offered was so great, he just couldn't refuse.

"Kristof is a fine man. Wealthy, kind, generous, and somehow willing to marry a disobedient brat like you."

"A fine man? Do you know what the people in town say about him? How can I marry someone like that? Mama, tell him! Tell him I can't and I won't do it!" Armin told his mother, screaming.

He desperately looked at her. She had tears in her eyes and her lower lip was trembling, but she couldn't talk back to her husband because she also knew they had more children to take care of. So she said nothing.

Armin's younger brothers and sister were in the kitchen too, where the atmosphere was thick with tension. Their faces were crestfallen, all they could do was look down. The young man felt betrayed by his own family.

"I'm going to Roan," he announced, no longer able to sit with these people anymore.

He needed air.

"Be back here tonight or I will hunt you down, Armin. The marriage will be in two days. Kristof himself will pick us up tomorrow evening."

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