Broken Chains

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[The fight continues, Toman vs Fukushū and the first blows were taken by the Fukushū members from Pehyan and Hakkai who took the front lead and tried to open a way for Mitsuya and Fuyuko to get close to Kyoko and her subordinate].

- You better stay on the ground you scum ! [Pehyan knocked down a Fukushū member by throwing him to the ground]

- Taka-chan ! this is your chance the path is clear ! [Hakkai knocked down the other Fukushū member]

- Come on Fuyuko ! it's now or never ! [Mitsuya and Fuyuko lunged towards Kyoko and her subordinate, but another subordinate appeared from the shadows and attacked Mitsuya leaving Fuyuko fighting alone against Kyoko and the subordinate guarding her]

- I see you don't like to fight alone, a 2 vs 1 ? fine by me ! [Fuyuko threw herself to the fight avoiding the subordinate's blows and going straight for Kyoko who only defended herself and didn't seem to attack] - Come on ! don't be such a coward ! [with an Uppercut Fuyuko knocked down Kyoko's subordinate which resulted in her being stained with his blood].

- how pathetic, I thought Makoto trained strong and powerful soldiers, not weaklings like this one [Kyoko wiped the blood from her face and sighed] - I guess I'll really have to do it myself this time... [in the blink of an eye Kyoko threw herself at Fuyuko who luckily managed to cover the strong blow] - oh, I've lost some technique...

- Shit, is this girl a demon!? she hits way too hard! [Fuyuko thought to herself, but she didn't stay still and hit Kyoko back] - not bad for a crazy bitch like you ! [Kyoko glared angrily at Fuyuko and threw herself at her again only this time with a feint, which made Fuyuko take the blow in stride and get slammed into the wall].

- F-Fuyuko... no.... [Y/n watched the fight frozen in fear in the corner of the alley, his body didn't seem to respond due to the fear he felt at that moment, was he about to lose his friends again ? was he going to stand by and watch again without doing anything ? he was so weak... he felt so weak... was he going to have to run away again ?]

- ugh, that really hurt.... [Fuyuko stood up and spat blood on the ground, then she jumped straight to attack Kyoko and hit her directly in the face] - Hah, how about that, you piece of shit? [Kyoko knelt down from the blow and lunged towards Fuyuko again, Fuyuko managed to cover herself and responded by kicking Kyoko in the side].

- wow... it's... really exciting to play with a person before killing them ! [Kyoko smiled mischievously and licked the blood from her jeweled knuckles] - okay, time to use my 100%! [Kyoko used the wall to jump up and kick Fuyuko directly in the head and sent her away from the fight].

- Fuyuko-san ! [Mitsuya knocked down the Fukushū member he was fighting with and tried to go to Fuyuko's rescue but was easily knocked down by Kyoko who was advancing menacingly towards Fuyuko].

- Taka-chan ! Fuyuko-san ! ugh- let me go motherfucker ! [Hakkai was being held by two Fukushū members who punched him in the stomach so that he lost strength].

- shut up you piece of shit ! and watch the boss do her magic.... [Fukushū's members were slowly approaching Y/n who was still not responding]

- I-I... have to... run away... I-I have to... do something I... can't.... [Y/n began to cry after seeing his friends fall one by one, he felt weak and helpless, he couldn't do nothing but run away or surrender to Kyoko and go back to her, this time he couldn't fight to the end because he was afraid, he was getting deeper and deeper into his desperate mind, totally chained by fear but a voice called for him on the outside]

- I WON'T LET YOU LAY A FINGER ON HIM YOU ASSHOLES ! [Pehyan stood between Y/n and Kyoko's subordinates] - Y/N IS MY FRIEND, AND I WILL PROTECT HIM WITH MY LIFE DID YOU HEAR ME !? AND WE'LL FIGHT ASSHOLES LIKE YOU TILL THE END ! WON'T WE, Y/N !? JUST AS WE PROMISED THAT TIME IN THE FIGHT AGAINST MOEBIUS, WE WILL EAT DORAYAKIS AFTER THIS MY FRIEND ! [Pehyan prepared to fight Fukushū, Kyoko just watched Pehyan out of the corner of her eye and continued walking to give the final blow to Fuyuko who seemed to be trying to get up little by little].

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