The Beginning Of The Fight In Heaven

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[Takemichi and Y/n agreed to meet in order to talk about Baji together with Chifuyu Matsuno the vice captain of the first division, all of this one day before the fateful fight against Valhalla or better known as Bloody Halloween]

- for some reason I feel nervous... [Y/n and Takemichi were on their way to meet Chifuyu] - but thanks for letting me help you Takemichi-kun *smiles* I hope we make a good team ! [Takemichi blushed at Y/n's tenderness]

- huh ? uhm you're welcome... [he was trying not to look too much at Y/n for some reason, which made Y/n a feel little weirded out but he decided to not worry about it and after a while walking they met Chifuyu, who in Y/n's eyes looked a bit intimidating]

- so you are Y/n ? Mitsuya's boyfriend ? [Takemichi looked at Y/n in surprise.]

- EH!? YOU AND MITSUYA ARE... ? [Y/n blushed totally embarrassed]

- NO IDIOTS WE ARE NOTHING ! [Y/n folded his arms and sighed somewhat sadly] - well we didn't come here to talk about my personal life, I need to talk to you both about Baji-kun ! [Both boys looked at each other, Chifuyu looked shocked]

- huh ? you know Baji-san ? [Y/n nodded]

- me and him... were close friends when we were kids, I traveled too much when I was little because of my parents' job and in one of the times I stayed for the longest here in Tokyo I met Baji [Y/n paused to think for a bit as he had a brief memory of meeting someone similar to Mikey]

- now that I think about it... I also met a boy similar to Mikey.... [Y/n came out of his thought bubble] - oh ! but the most important thing is that we spent a lot of time together when we were little and he promised me that he would save me whenever I was in trouble so.... [Y/n bowed to the boys] 

- please let me help you ! I promise we will bring Baji-kun back to Toman ! I want to return the favor and prevent him from making any fatal mistakes... [after hearing those words Takemichi remembered the Y/n from the future, the one who seemed to try to tell him something while running away from Hanma and the one who was unfairly blamed for Kazutora's death].

- okay, we need to fill you in on who's the real enemy is in the first place [Chifuyu said without changing his serious expression, Y/n kept wondering why Chifuyu had so many wounds on his face] - first of all, I guess you know that Baji left Toman to join Valhalla don't you ? [Y/n nodded] - well in case you were wondering, he beat me to join Valhalla but Baji-san didn't join that gang to eliminate Toman as he says [Y/n was surprised by the words Chifuyu said, so it was Baji who beat him up ? he really was capable of something like that ? Y/n thought that maybe the Baji that he knew no longer existed]

- Baji-san has a totally different plan [Chifuyu and Takemichi exchanged glances, apparently they were doubting Y/n a bit] - it's Kisaki, Baji-san joined Valhalla to investigate what Kisaki is up to ! [at that moment many things made sense in Y/n's head].

- oh ! so that's why you beat him up and asked Mikey to expel him ! [Takemichi got a little embarrassed] 

- y-yes... it was because of that but, our real goal here is to investigate Kisaki from the outside and help Baji-san kick him out of Toman [Chifuyu put his hand on Y/n's shoulder].

- Please help us achieve our goal *smiles slightly* I have also been by Baji-san's side for a long time so I know how you must feel ! [Y/n looked at Chifuyu and returned to him the smile]

- that's ok Chifuyu-san, I hope we make a good team ! [Takemichi and Chifuyu told him everything that Osanai told them the day before and explained that Kisaki was the real leader of Valhalla while he was in Touman].

- oh by the way, we are the same age so don't treat me so formal [Y/n nodded, Chifuyu looked at the time] - and also, please come with me [Takemichi and Y/n exchanged looks of confusion].

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