Baking a Friendship

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- Uhm well... where should we start Yukari-chan ? [Y/n was looking at all the mess and dirt in the room] - well hehe... it sure is messy around here, don't you think so president Y/n ? [Yukari was lying next to Y/n looking at the mess too, they both had a defeated expression on their faces] - oh right ! Fuyuko-san said that the people from the club in front should have the cleaning utensils ! we could go borrow them and then see where to start.

[Yukari smiled slightly at Y/n who sighed in annoyance] - ugh, do we really have to bring all the cleaning utensils ourselves ? I don't know if I'm strong enough you know... [Yukari looked with sparkling eyes at Y/n who after a while agreed to go] - Okay fine, you win! We'll go get the utensils ! [Y/n left the classroom with annoyance while Yukari smiled victoriously] - well... we have to go in, ask for the list and the utensils and leave right ? i-it shouldn't be that hard... right ?

[Y/n and Yukari were in front of the door of their school's Home Economics club, they were both extremely shy so they didn't know how to get in and ask for what they needed] - okay Yukari here's the plan, you go in get the list and the utensils and I'll take them quickly to our club got it !? go go go ! [Y/n started to push Yukari towards the door of the Home Economics Club but Yukari was resisting] - HUH !!!? W-WAIT A SECOND PRESIDENT Y/N !! I-I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO-

[A girl with braids and an annoyed expression opened the door surprisingly making Y/n and Yukari freeze in place] - excuse me, do you need anything !? you've been there for more than 20 minutes and it started to bother me a little bit [The girl looked at the members of the baking club with annoyance while they were just quietly observing the girl shyly] - well, are you going to talk or not !? I have things to do !

[Y/n and Yukari exchanged nervous glances then Y/n finally decided to speak] - uhm well, you see... the cleaning utensils and the list uh... d-do you have them ? [Y/n asked with a lot of shyness in his voice, the girl did her best to understand what he said and sighed] - yeah we have them, but the list is with our president and he went to deliver it to the Boxing club *looks at the time* in fact, he should be on his way already ! 

[Y/n and Yukari looked at each other with a "Poker Face" expression and then Y/n put on an annoyed expression] - b-but... y'all didn't even think about if there was anyone in the room in front of yours !? at least they could've checked no ? [Y/n said with an annoyed tone, The girl responded with a similarly annoyed tone]

- well, it's not my fault that your club is almost non-existent you know ? besides that room used to be used as a warehouse due to the lack of people in that little club [upon hearing this Y/n clicked his tongue and looked away] and where the fuck is your president supposed to be ? I'd like to talk to him. [Y/n and the girl exchanged looks of annoyance and poor Yukari could feel the tension in the air]

 - don't bother our president okay ? he doesn't have time for bullshit like yours ! [Yukari looked at the two students, they looked like two cats about to scratch each other] - w-well well... please calm down ! [both students looked at Yukari with an angry expression] - uh... nothing... *sighs*

[Y/n sighed and folded his arms] I'll ask again, where is your shitty president supposed to be ? [The girl opened her eyes in annoyance, apparently she was about to insult Y/n but she sighed and preferred to avoid further conflict] - he should be on his way to the gym, that's where the boxing club practices daily [Y/n put his hand on Yukari's head] - okay Yukari wait for me here, I won't take so long !

[Y/n ran out of the sewing club as fast as he could hoping to catch up with the president of the Home Economics club, he left so fast that poor Yukari didn't even have time to react] - u-uhm.... well... I guess I'll wait here hehe.... [the girl from just now and all the rest of the club members looked at poor Yukari with a smile and intimidating eyes, lusting after a model so possibly poor Yukari was overexploited by seamstress hands that time]

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