Start from the beginning

"What the hell does that mean?!" 

"When you were sick baby brother, Mommy and Daddy made a little deal regarding your life" he paused "But do you even know why you were sick in the first place?" 

I glowered at him, not having the particular answer he was looking for. 

"You were sick because The Fates decided to intertwine you life with the life of your precious mate" he smirked "Apparently, your souls were so intertwined that neither of you could live without the other." 

"You're lying" I hissed "The Fates don't involve themselves directly with the affairs of Mortals and Gods. 

 "You were always a special case" He shrugged "Believe me or not but did you ever ask yourself why Hades pushed for this trip so much? Why Persephone never intervened like she usually does when he nags too much? Why he was so willing to let you go when you were finished with this trip?"

Serenity eyes met my own and I could see a spark of doubt clouding in her jeweled depths.  

I looked at my brother, gauging the sincerity of his words. 

While it didn't look like he was lying, I could tell that he wasn't telling me the whole truth. I knew my brother well enough to see some hidden cards waiting to be revealed until the perfect moment.

 I just had to expedient his little plan and make him show his cards earlier than expected because as the Blood Moon continued to envelop us in its gleaming light, I could feel more and more of my energy depleting. 

"If this is true, then why didn't Dad kill Serenity when he had the chance?" I asked "She slept under his roof for weeks?" 

"Because they couldn't intervene" Cerberus said "The Fates said that you two had to decide who gets to live and who gets to die." 

"I would choose her" I snarled "Every.Single.Time." 

"I know" he shrugged "I was hoping on it." 

"Why is that?" I asked wearily. 

"Because in order for me to utilize the Blood Moon, the bond needs to be complete."

Serenity's haunches raised and I felt her body tense even more. 

The Blood Moon flashed and I began to feel weaker as the minutes passed. 

Before I could even blink, Serenity was on the Minotaur, using her sharp claws to puncture his Heart and her jaw to rip out his throat. 

I gazed at her in shock and Cerberus looked equally surprised. 

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