"Hmm...how about, no."

"She's not--"

"I can feel it" says the lady. "I can feel her power."


Evadeen laughed, throwing her head back. "What am I doing now?"

She tickled the babies tummy, making her giggle.

Hiccup roared, trying to work his way out of the rubble, but it was just too heavy. Very, very heavy.

"What shall I call her...."

"She has a name!" spat Hiccup. "AND SHE IS NOT THE DRAGONESS!"

"The Dragoness and The Dragon Lord are the most powerful beings on earth" she smirked, lifting the baby up higher. "And she is mine."

"STEP AWAY FROM HER EVADEEN!" he roared, his vision sharpening and he gritted his teeth.

Don't do it. Don't do it.

Evadeen laughed, holding the baby close to her chest. Hiccup could hear the screams and the sound of the fire, eating everything in it's path.

He hated the sound.

"Wait" Evadeen smirked. "Where's your village? You are chief, you do realise. A very young chief."

Hiccup was twenty.

He growled. "I came to this village to get away from you."

She laughed. "Oh right. What about your wife, Winter? Is she--Oomph!"

Someone slammed into Evadeen, making her fly into the wall. The person caught the baby and held it to her chest, turning to Hiccup, her ice blue eyes shinning. "You okay sweetie?"

He groaned. "Yeah."

Winter smiled, her large, black cloak and hood disguising her identity. Only her pale face and blue eyes were shown. She gave the baby to her husband and she drew out her large sword which weighed nothing in her hands.

Evadeen groaned, getting up and wiping soot from her hands. She saw Winter and scowled. "Oh, not you again."

Winter smiled and charged at Evadeen. Evadeen dodgers her first swing, but didn't make the second, and the sword swept through just below the elbow, cutting her arm off.

Evadeen screamed, then Winter held out her hand and opened it, to reveal a flower. The flower looked like a rose, but the petals were yellow, the tips red. The stork and the leaves were an orange and the rose seemed to glow in the smoky room.

"No" said Evadeen. "You...you have the Flare."

The Flare is a powerful thing. It sucks the power from special people like Evadeen, rendering them powerless.

Winter smiled. "This is the last one. And I have saved it for you."

Winter dropped the flower in front of Evadeen and Evadeens strength left her, and her vision became hazy.

Evadeen screamed as she was powerless.

Winter swiped up cutting both of Evadeens legs off, just under her knees. An explosion rocked through the house and Hiccup shielded the baby as bits of wood rained on him. Winter pulled him from the wreckage and they ran, escaping the house.

Evadeen coughed as blood pooled in her mouth as she laid there, staring up at the ceiling. "I will...h-have revenge" she croaked, her voice getting weaker. She limply picked up the Flare and looked at it, before crushing it in a weak fist. "Revenge is...b-best served with...dragons...b-blood..." She coughed again and her head rolled to the side as the light dimmed from her eyes.

Hiccup turned to see the house one last time before it exploded, fire roaring and lashing out.

Hiccup sighed. "I'm sorry Evadeen."

Winter growled. "Why are you saying sorry?" spat Winter.

Hiccup walked towards the line of trees that surrounded this once, lively and bustling town.

He stopped and turned to his wife. He held his baby girl in his hands and he look down to her and smiled.

Pale face, bright, blood red hair, and bright, violet eyes.

"I am saying sorry because Evadeen used to be a friend" he sighed.

Winter took a few steps closer to him and wrapped her arms around him, to comfort him.

"Come on" she said. "Let's get back to Byte, your real village."

Hiccup nodded and he followed Winter through the trees. He remembered what Evadeen said and he was determined to keep his daughter safe.

She is not The Dragoness, he thought.

He knew the rules in the wild. Hunt, or be Hunted. But he could not defend his daughter the way he wished he could. He could only sit there and pray that she would be safe.

Many people died that night, and all because of a selfish lady, and a little baby.

This was all twenty-one years ago...


Ooh...a story from the past.

Next chapter will be in present time and stuff.

P.S. This Hiccup was NOT Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third....this blond Hiccup is someone entirely different...

Hiccup Sparks the IV...


We are one - HTTYD FanFic (The We Are Series) Book #1Where stories live. Discover now