Bela took her time to fly to the laboratory. Miranda may not have announced it, but all of them knew that her reign was over just from the forgotten meetings alone.

Her mother said that Miranda had called over the phone, her voice slightly less authorative, asking for her only. I wonder why I was called.

Miranda should be angry with her. If Mia hadn't stopped her before it was too late, she may have triggered a mutation from the former deity and ultimately got Miranda, and herself, killed. She couldn't imagine such horrible endings to happen to her.

She shakes it off and finally arrives at the front of the area.

She walks in slowly so that the person inside wouldn't be alerted. Soon enough, she arrived just in front of the lab's dark inside. It was dimly lit with a few candles that were starting to burn out slowly.

In front of her she saw, of course, Miranda's dark silhouette. But beyond that, in her arms, was a bundle of... something. It was covered in a small blanket and it actually seemed like she was gently swaying it from side to side. Gentle like she never was before.

Bela approached her but with her swarm, the buzz making the small form on her arms move ever so slightly.

Miranda didn't turn to look at her but spoke. "My Eva is back."

Bela's brows lifted with her eyes. She swarmed closer and peered down from the woman's shoulder. Her mouth hung open with slight surprise when she saw a baby that too closely resembled Rosemary yet not.

The baby was sound asleep with closed eyes. It had small tufts of black hair.

It made small snoozing noises as it slept, with ignorance of what its mother did to claim it back.

She watched it a while more, gawking sometimes when the baby would move its face muscles. But there was no other expression or movement other than that.

Bela glanced at Miranda's face and her cold, blue eyes seemed to soften a lot just by staring at the child in her arms.

Bela pulled back after awhile more and buzzed back without any more problems or conversations. Miranda didn't say much more when she left wordlessly.

While she flew back she noticed that the snow had started to melt. Christmas time passed by but without celebrations. Mia and Ethan were the ones to remind them that Christmas does, in fact, exist.

They never worshipped the 'God' or 'Jesus' the duo had told them about. But it seems only her mother knew about it. Maybe she knew about it in her past life, but it was clear that they no longer had any of their memories from before their transformations. Although that doesn't apply to mother.

Bela also noticed below her that the snow managed to bury the entirety of the village's remains. Bela kind of liked it there if she didn't go around killing some poor human. There was that one time in summer when she wasn't yet immune to the cold that she visited the village.

The people there gave her offerings, like she was just one of the Lords. It seemed they knew that she was the eldest since they called her the 'heiress.' It was obvious they meant she would be next after her mother. The offerings were books with genres she didn't really like but out of kindness, she kept them.

Soon enough she reached the castle's towers. Her sisters and her already made up despite Daniela being partially clueless about what happened.

She landed on the balcony. She turned around and turned her gaze back to the melting snow on the nature below.

She smiled to herself.

It was a good thing that things didn't happen like she and Ethan planned beforehand. Now, Miranda's got her Eva back and she won't be bothering the Lords and her anymore.

The Village is gone but The Duke remained so the resources could be received like usual, just without faster appliances like the village people.

The people in BSAA like Chris promised they'd never touch this land again. They've already promised so as long as Bela lived, she would make sure they would never break that single promise. She still has her name in the outside so she could confront them whenever.

The mold that had kept her together all these years seemed to loosen every now and then. It still kept her form but she felt slightly mushy whenever she pinched her own made-of-flies skin.

But everything seemed fine as of now. Duke had started to rebuild the village's houses and fences after the snow had melted over them, she noticed just now as she saw his carriage pulling up near a small construction which included one of the village houses that was burned.

Miranda wanted to kill everyone in the village, killing the last survivor herself and allowing the forgotten lycans to infest the village.

But right now Bela didn't have too much to worry about. The lycans were gone and now stuck under Karl's command which was to stray from the village area, the village was being rebuilt, she no longer had paperworks, Eveline wasn't around, and Bioweapons other than her and the lords aren't here. And the BSAA are also no longer going to annoy them daily.

She sighed.

This is the most peaceful she has ever experienced.

Alternate: The End.

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