3) Resting Creatures

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*Ronin's pov*

I sighed as I moved around the sectors of our town. I reached the children section and I looked at the rehab section.

Our town is split up into sections for safety reasons. There are three total sections the first one is the citizen section where people who never took part in the war lived. There was the rehab section which had people that took part in the war, trying to live peacefully but sometimes that doesn't work. Lastly and probably the most protected area is the youth section.

The youth section speaks for itself but to bring it down to it's basic. All kids over the age of 4 is here. A child can remain with a family for 4 years before having to be brought here. As heartbreaking as that may sound it actually helps in ensuring that the future generation is peaceful and the image of what their parents have gone through isn't staining their eyes.

The parents of course can visit their kids but there are those kids that as soon as they are born live with their parents till they are one years old then given away. This is especially common within the rehab section. Love is a complicated thing and I can, out of respect, understand the parents choice.

There was however one kid that was left in the youth section at such an infant stage that I'm surprised that he grew up to be the person he is today. Artemis was definitely different then the others and I have to absolutely thank the mother's in the citizen section for taking turns in taking care of this kid.

As I walked in I saw lots of lights out which is good because I'm coming here because kids need to be asleep or at least getting ready for sleep. As I walked around I smiled as I fixed blankets and turned off lights.

I stopped and opened Rikku's door and saw her laughing with Shizu and Ana and I coughed a couple of time before they all looked at me.

"Oh...hi?" Rikku said and I chuckled.

"Come on, bed time you three." I said walking in and Shizu laid down as I tucked them in.

"Ok dad." Ana said and I sighed. Dad is the new name Ana calls me by ever since A) Artemis slipped up and B) Leander encouraged it.

"Ya ya into bed little demon." I said and Ana giggled and I turned to Rikku who put their hat on their stand and went into their bed.

"Good night." Rikku said and I tucked them in and turned off the light.

"Good night you three. Also if Sapphire doesn't come you know she's probably in that cave again." I said and all of them chuckled as I closed the door.

We have an open bed in that room because during the winter even though Sapphire is an crystal golem, she still gets cold and needs a place to keep warm.

I walked down to the caves and sure enough Sapphire was asleep on the crystal shard bed that she made. I looked up at Kiyo's sleeping spot. Kiyo is a Kitsune but he and Sapphire grew up close together so in Sapphire's cave he built a hammock which he's sleeping in.

I smiled as I walked down to the pond and looked in to see Jack. Jack likes to sleep in the water because it's the only place that can somewhat muffle his voice so he does end up blowing a house away.

I continued to walk around till I got to the tree house. The tree house was made by Davis because he didn't like the other housing which is fine because Sapphire is somewhat the same.

However the treehouse has expanded a bit probably because Davis hangs out a lot with Artemis. You could say those two are as close as brothers. Davis was the one who taught Artemis to fly which was actually really funny but amazing to see.

I climbed up and saw Davis starring up into the sky. I sighed and made myself known as I sat down. When I got closer I noticed how Davis had his wings and I could only assume one thing.

"Can't sleep?" I asked

"I'm tired but my body won't let me go to sleep right now." Davis said

"I see. Artemis tucked away in those feathers of yours?" I asked

"There was a ruffle on my back again and Artemis soothed it out but he then fell asleep. I'm not complaining because he got the ruffle out." Davis said moving his wings showing Artemis in his small form.

"I see. Well I'm glad Artemis has been good company. Same with you I'm glad you two found each other." I said

"Ya. Artemis calls us the orphan squad but then I said we are family and he's changed it to no family squad adding in Sapphire and Kiyo as well." Davis said a small smile.

"Artemis sure is something. It's sad that he's the last of his kind." I said

"Last of his kind here, I'm sure that his kind went somewhere else." Davis said and I nodded.

"Ya. Want me to take Artemis, I plan on staying." I said and Davis opened up his wings and I reached over and gently picked up Artemis. Artemis being a shadow devil can change between his normal size and a smaller size but when he gets angry he grows bigger to be more intimidating.

I walked inside and laid down and Davis came and laid down in the bed like nest that he and I made for him seeing as he is half owl it makes sense. Jacks got a bed for when the rains come. The water apparently get loud when it rains so he has a separate room that has a nest in it for his comfort.

"I'll be right here if something happens alright." I said and Davis nodded as he took his eye mask and put it on as he wrapped his wings around himself before resting. I looked at Artemis and got up and went to the living room and laid him down on the couch. He's got the couch till his room is finished.

I went back to my bed and laid down and closed my eyes. As the leader of our town I'm the most trusted around the kids. Makes sense, I had very different ideas of the other kingdom but good ideas and the people wish that idea to pass onto their kids.

I smiled as I drifted off to sleep. I bet you Artemis is going to be the first one awake. Again.

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