Chapter 1

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August 6th, 841

Nine twenty-nine.

Good, I'm not late. 

I put the pocket watch back in my pocket as I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to prepare myself for what could happen. This visit was so sudden that I had no time to prepare for what might happen. I've been over every single rule and regulation this manor has to offer, and there isn't a single one I've broken. Could he have found out about our plan?

"No, that would be impossible," I mumbled to myself. Then, what could it be? I shook my head and in dismay as I clenched my hand into a fist, preparing to knock on the curved, mahogany door. I knocked three times, and after a few seconds, a booming voice announced for me to come in.

"Ah, F/N, you're finally here," my father said. He used his hand free of a cigar to scratch his beard. "I assume you know why you're here?"

I shook my head. "No, sir. I do not. I came here as soon as Lady Lillith instructed me to." He crossed his arms and took a long inhale from the cigar.

"How unfortunate," he said. "You're here because of the upcoming tournament with the Silver family. You already know how strong the daughter is, so I have no reason to warn you; however, when I win," his voice grew low with greed, "my name will obtain a fortune like no other. On the other hand, if you lose-"

"-Not a chance," I spoke up. "I am well aware of Miss Silver's strengths and weaknesses; I can assure you that I will win you this tournament in a swift victory. That fortune will be yours, sir, I can assure you that. The Silver family should be the ones who need a warning; they have no idea the power the L/N name beholds."

My father grinned devilishly. "Good. It would appear you have learned something after all." His tall figure stood as he cracked his neck by tilting it to the left and then the right. "I expect you to be in my office by nine o'clock sharp tomorrow morning. If you even think about being late," he hissed, "you know what will happen."

"Of course, sir. You can see to it that I will not disappoint you." He nodded and dismissed me, so I turned on my heel and left his office. As the double doors closed behind me, I could feel a wave of relief flood over my body. The entire time leading up to entering his office, I could only think of despair.

It's strange, though. I rarely get randomly called to his office - let alone for something as simple as reminding me of a tournament that's weeks away. I glanced at the grandfather clock against the wall. It was nearing ten; thirty minutes until curfew. Unwillingly, I pushed down my doubts and made my way through these seemingly endless halls. My eyes were locked onto the world through the ceiling-high windows; a mother deer and her fawn roamed the forest without a care; without the fear of death on their tail. So effortlessly were they able to wander the forest and have the smell of fresh air constantly collide with their nose and know how it feels to have a light breeze flow across their fur.

Even rabbits who hopped around didn't have a care in the world that they were inches from death as they inched closer to a wild fox's den or into a hungry pack of wolves. They were all able to live in peace and enjoy their lives; it made me jealous.

Unfortunately enough for every person in this God-forsaken place, life in the manor was the complete opposite. Not a day goes by where screams can't be heard throughout these echoing halls - if walls could speak, they too would be screaming nonstop. It always seems like there are at least a dozen lives taken each day in this slaughterhouse. It gets hard to tell the difference between current screams and the horrid memories engraved in my mind.

Though, despite all of this flame, I can always look forward to the one person who lights up my day no matter what. I smiled. "Hello, Lillith. On your way to see my father, I presume?" She sighed, nodded, and returned the smile.

"As usual. It's almost time for his evening tea, and you know how he gets when he misses a cup." She laughed and tilted her head. "How are you doing, dear? I know that sudden request must have scared you, but I knew you were going to be fine."

"It was so sudden I had no time to prepare; I was nervous for the most part, but this little one kept me going." I crouched down and placed my hands on her stomach. "I can't believe it's already almost been eight months. Time sure has gone by." She flicked my forehead.

"Time goes by fast when you're around making everyone happy, dear." I smiled as I stood and patted my clothes.

"Anyway," I continued, "I was expecting to get punished for something, but that wasn't the case. Strangely enough, though, he just reminded me about the tournament with the Silver family that's like three weeks away." She cocked her head to the side. "What, what's wrong?"

"That's really weird," she mumbled. "What else did he say?"

I sighed. "He said I needed to be in his office by nine o'clock sharp tomorrow morning; he said it was something impor- wait," I stared at Lillith in confusion. "Doesn't he have a meeting with his officials tomorrow morning? As in the same time I need to be in his office?" Lillith's eyes became narrow as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I see," she whispered as she leaned in close. "I think, I think he knows..." My eyes suddenly went wide.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked as I regained my composure. "Supper ended an hour ago, so there should still be rations left." I glanced over at the passing butler who didn't seem to notice us. "Gosh, Lillith. You need to get it together!"

"Of course, ma'am! I apologize sincerely for my lack, of knowledge, and I..." As soon as the butler was out of earshot, Lillith pulled me into a nearby closet, and as if on cue, a bunch of footsteps came sprinting down the hall. "I don't know if he knows or not, but if he does, then that would explain why he called you to his office." I was going to question her, but she opened the door after the footsteps had disappeared. "Look, I need to go. We can finish talking about this later, okay?"

I couldn't help but feel uneasy. We've been doing our best to keep this plan a secret for years, and all of a sudden my father might know about it. There has to be another reason; there's no way he could know.

"Of course," I said after a long sigh. "Good luck with him." Lillith gave me one final smile before she hurried out of the closet and down the hall the way I came. I could only assume those footsteps from before were the over servants on their way to tend to my father.

I patted my clothes once more as I continued my way down the hall. The night sky had turned pitch-black and the wandering animals I once saw were no more than a shadow in the night. Passing travelers were peering into the manor from afar. It was faint, but their torch was enough to light their excited faces. I put on a half-hearted smile as I waved. Those poor people will never know the true horrors that happen within this manor, but maybe that's for the best. I wouldn't wish this Hell upon anyone, no matter how sick or twisted the person.

All of a sudden, a little girl jumped up from the cart and waved excitingly; she was smiling ear-to-ear. I could feel my heart drop. That poor girl thinks we're living in luxury when that couldn't be farther from the truth.

I waited for the group to pass, and while doing so, I kept a fake smile on my face. If any word of how life inside the manor got out to the public, my life would be worse than it already is. Once they were gone, I rushed down the hall and headed to my bedroom. The moment I entered, I quickly shut the door and locked it behind me; a sudden breath that I had no idea I was holding escaped my lips. It doesn't matter how hard I try to forget, or how hard I try to change the subject, the Hellish nature of this place haunts me day after day; night after night. There is no escape, and if my father truly does know about our plan, then I fear the only thing I will soon know is darkness.

Never Say Goodbye (Levi x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon