Episode 5: Commission

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POV: Seungmin

Location: School 1:30pm 6 days ago..

Today was the day I was meeting up with User_21. I was nervous about it. I was so nervous I made myself bring a knife and place my boss on speed dial. If things went down I was more than ready to kill him. And I was sure no one would even tell he was dead with the connections I held in the dark. And yes normally, I would have contacted my boss for breach in security... But I was afraid the individual with my information could tell when he was exposed. I'm taking precautions. Because nothing would be worse than being put behind federal bars and loosing site of the people I loved..
"Seungmin?? Are you coming to Lunch?"
"I'll be there in a minute! I have a meeting with an old friend.."
"Gotcha, just close up the film room when your done!"
"Of course."
The Vice President walks out along with her two cheerleader friends. I watch them all leave until no one was left in this room. Just me and the tense silence ready for the worse.

Suddenly the door opens.
"Wow, I've never been in the film room before.."
"Sunghoon what are you here for?"
"I'm here to discuss my commission."
"Your commission?"
He smiles brightly and confidently shows me his phone screen, " My user on ONYX is User_21!"
He puts down his phone and nonchalantly places it in his jacket pocket.

My mouth drops. There's no way some dumb jock knows that much about me?! This really must be a breach in the security if he is the one finding out about my work.
"How the hell do you know I'm Sky?"
"My dad and OX are very well acquainted. See my dad owns the site. OX does the dirty work along with you.. You have no idea how ecstatic I was finding out you were THE Sky!"
"You should of just asked your commission through him then instead of threading me.."
"Well I would have.. But you would have refused what I wanted.."
"There's nothing I haven't taken videos or pictures of. You could have literally anything, I could have done it.."
"Not if it's a specific person.."
"Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want." I say crossing my arms.
"I need pictures of Y/n."

My mood goes from 0 to a 100. Why the hell would he need pictures of Y/n?! What the fuck was he on?!
"Y/n? As in..?"
"That really pretty girl that is always with you! Oh Sky, I really have a thing for her... but I can only see her from afar.. Normally I'll take photos from my camera.. but I can't get as close as you.."
"Look, I can take random photos when she's caught off guard and send them to you.. Would you be interested in that?"
"Yes! I just really want to see her more up close."
"If you like her you should just talk.. you know go up to her and get to know her... You don't have to be creep about it..."
"I know, but I'm scared she will reject me.."
I sighed at him. Sunghoon was really a difficult person, but if I didn't give him these commissions... I'd be fucked..

From that moment on, I started to take random pictures posing them as memories to capture. Sunghoon was always up my ass about getting them almost every other day. And each day he wanted more. I spent a lot my time in the red room developing those pictures he craved. It was all innocent pictures of her beautiful smile and resting face. I understood why he wanted them, Y/n was truly beautiful.. As upset as I was in the beginning taking these unnecessary photos, I began to enjoy it a bit. She was always my favorite person to capture. This commission really reopened my eyes at that fact. Opened them up to see that in reality we were more distant than ever just like she had feared..

Sunghoon started wanting more modeled like pictures after awhile. So I took my camera with me on Y/n and I's lunch day. In a last minute call, I even decided to take pictures of her at the park. For the area there was growing with light and well kept vegetation. All things that fit perfectly with her personality.. She seemed unbothered by the lens of the camera. So naturally accustomed to its click. She knew how to pose even without a saying word. And when she opens her eyes... the suns' glare makes them glow into a pretty hue. I was taken back by the lights in her eyes. Fortunately, the camera had captured it so perfectly. I was speechless at how that shitty camera could grab that moment. It was a miracle to be able to have moments in time just like that. These are the things I liked to capture most in life.
I got so distracted by the shoot and my emotions that I ended up standing over her and smashing the button to capture every small detail.
A hundred photos later, I stop myself as I had over done the asked amount needed by User_21.

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