Episode 2: Onyx

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Time: Lunch 12:30pm

Location: School

" Seungmin and I are going to watch that new mystery movie tomorrow night. I'm so excited."
Haley was practically screeching with joy looking at me with her innocent eyes and shaking her small fists. It was cute until I realized it wasn't.

I thought Seungmin was going to be hanging with me?

"Yeah, at night though. I'll still do lunch with you if you'd like, Y/n."
"Rock paper scissors to find out who pays?"





Seungmins' eyes began to light up seeing the out come. He had won. My hands in the rock position shook with disappointment. Seungmin slashes his hand up into the air proudly claiming victory.
"You get to pay loser!"

I slam my head into the table and groan as he continued on laughing at my misery.
"This isn't fucking fair.." I mumbled.
"Language.." Hayley chuckles.

I rolled my eyes at the both of them. It felt like I was being attacked. Because my wallet can only handle so much with Seungmin who eats as if he's dying of hunger. Even now he sits with his plate filled with side dishes. That boy loved to eat. At which I didn't blame him, food was truly something the human race did right with.
"Babe? Will you be spending the night tomorrow as well??"
"If you want." Seungmin says cutely as he sips his juice.
"Great I'll let my parents know." She began to pull out her phone and text away .

I sit and watch them exchange small talk as I picked at my food thinking. Of what? Well, I was thinking of the way she had him hooked. Like a fish. How can someone make themselves enticing to another? Was it black magic? Or was it an arranged marriage I wasn't aware of?? No matter what, it surely was a strange force to have him be so hypnotized. What a world.. Kind of wished the world would change though. Wish it would change into something other than all my unrequited adventures.

"Why are you playing with your food Y/n?"
I look up to see Seungmin looking into my eyes with a bit of concern in his voice.
"My stomach is just getting smaller it seems."
"Are you sure your okay?" Hayley asks.
"I'm fine. Thank you guys for worrying."

They both looked at each other before looking back at me and my gloomy face.
I'm sure after Seungmin's and my conversation, he knew what was going on in my head. Well only a little bit of what I was feeling down about. I don't think I could face him about how I had fallen hard for his charms and bright personality. No matter though, I should enjoy what I have like he had said. Before it is all gone.

"Minnie." I called out him. He snaps his head to me with a face full of food.
"Yes?" He answers after consuming what he had in his mouth.
"Are you playing on going to prom?"
"Of course, Hayley has been begging me about it. So I have to. Why do you ask?"
"I think someone wanted to ask me. I'm not sure if I want to attend though."
Hayley smiles adding her two cents into the conversation, "You should definitely go if they ask!! And if you go we can attend as a double date! I think that would be so cute."
"I agree. You only have senior year once. I suggest you go." Seungmin says pulling his camera out from his bag.
"Wait, why the camera?"  I asked.
"Say cheese!"  He says to which I responded with a fake smile.

ONYX • Kim Seungmin ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat