Chapter 2

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Kokichi POV

While we were heading to our second class of the day, I got stopped by Momota. I sighed, already knowing what he wanted.

"Hey, nerd, where's my homework at?" He asked me in his usual commanding (annoying. shut up shut up shut up shut up) tone.

I leaned against one of the lockers and fished through my folders until I found one titled "Homework." One side was dedicated to my homework, and the other side was dedicated to Momota's homework. I grabbed all of the paper that was on Momota's side and handed it to him.

"How do I know that you didn't write the wrong answers?" Momota asked me suspiciously.

"Have I ever given you less than an A?" I retorted. He stayed quiet, so I said, "Now, where's the thing you promised me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I was getting to that," He grumbled, then reached into his back pocket and grabbed a 10-dollar bill and handed it to me.

I put it in my pocket before telling him, "Also, I'm changing the cost to 15 dollars." I then walked away before he could argue back.

I couldn't wait to here how Momota would do on the tests once testing season came up. I snickered thinking of how he would struggle with each problem. A voice interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Um, hello? It's Ouma, right?"

I looked to the side to see who was talking to me. It was the new boy, (get away from me, you freak!) Shuichi Saihara. I nodded and continued walking, slowing down slightly.

"I was wondering if you could show me to my next class. It's..." He grabbed his schedule out of his pocket, "Science."

"No," I replied quietly.

"H-huh?! Why not?!" Saihara seemed surprised by my response.

"Because your class is on the other side of the school, so if I led you to your class, then I  would certainly end up late, and, frankly, I'm more concerned about me getting to my class on time than you finding your way to your's."

I know I probably sounded cold and heartless, but, to be honest, I didn't really care. The only two people I was actually kind of close with were Harukawa-chan and Gokuhara-kun. I didn't need any more friends. I didn't want (want? what is want?) any more friends.

"I-I see," Saihara mumbled, "Sorry for taking up your time!" He lowered his hat before turning around and rushing away.

I couldn't help but feel an unfamiliar, uncomfortable pang of guilt, but I quickly pushed the feeling away as I stepped into my next class, Science.

The class seemed to go by obnoxiously slowly, as if the school day were trying to torture me. I wasn't paying attention in class, since I already knew everything that was being taught. Maybe if I payed attention in class a little more, the day would go by a little quicker, but that seemed like a lot of work, too much (too much, too much, too much, too much, fuck) work. Well, whatever.

After some time passed, the bell rang, dismissing all freshmen highschoolers to lunch. I stood up and grabbed my things before heading to the other side of the school. I stood by the English room and waited for a certain somebody to step out of the room.

Gokuhara-kun stepped out of the classroom with Saihara. Gokuhara-kun noticed me and said, "Oh, hey Kokichi! Saihara-kun over here," He pointed to Saihara, "Is going to be having lunch with us, if you don't mind."

"Its fine, I guess..." I mumbled, letting my voice wander off at the end. I honestly preferred it whenever it was just me and Gokuhara-kun with the occasional Harukawa-chan, but if Gokuhara-kun wanted him to join us, then I guess would be okay-ish.

"Thank you, Ouma-kun!" Saihara exclaimed happily.

"I need to stop by my locker to get my lunch," I said, ignoring Saihara.

I then turned and started heading up the stairs onto the second floor, where my lunch was located. I didn't look back since I knew the two of them would be following. We got to my locker, and I put my combination in. Opening it, you could see how plain it was. It had my schoolbag, books, and my bento box. I didn't really understand why people spent time decorating their lockers. There isn't really any point in decorating if your just going to take it down at the end of the school year. Plus, the decorations just take up space.

I grabbed my bento box and closed the locker, then turned to Gokuhara-kun and said, "Where do you want to sit?" I didn't really enjoy picking where to sit, since I tended to be rather indecisive.

"Right, just follow me," He said, before turning and leading the way. Saihara and I followed, walking side by side.

"So, Ouma-kun," Saihara turned to me, "What class did you just come from?"

"Science, why?" Why did he need to know (fucking freak) what class I came from? It's not like it was any of his business.

"Ah, just curious," I noticed him blush before tugging his hat down.


"So, um, when are we gonna sit down and eat?" Saihara asked me.

"Dunno," I gave a quick reply, not really wanting to talk.

"Well, why don't we just go and sit on the roof?"

"Everybody sits there, making it much too crowded for my liking."

"Are you claustrophobic, Ouma-kun?" Saihara inquired.

I blushed slightly, embarrassed that my secret had been revealed. I always gave people the cold shoulder, and I hardly ever talked, so most people just assumed I wasn't afraid of anything. I hated being stereotyped like that, but I hated having such a childish fear even more, "Y-yeah, what about it?" I grumbled quietly.

Saihara chuckled, "It's nothing. I guess I just didn't expect you to be afraid of something like that. Well, I guess we all have our own quirks. I actually can't look people in the eye for very long, so I'd say your fear is much better than mine!" (freak freak freak freak freak freak freak freak freak freak.... right?)

"You... you're not gonna call it childish?" I asked, glancing at him.

"Why would I? Claustrophobia is pretty common, and I don't think it is childish at all!"

I found myself blushing even more. What the heck?! Why am I blushing?! And why am I talking so much?! "Whatever," I said, showing him that our conversation was done. Saihara-kun just smiled at me. I looked down as we followed Gokuhara-kun.

1097 words

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