Chapter 6

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Each day was the same for the next month as they journeyed. Hana had a small class now, she taught hand to hand combat as well as knife throwing.

She also taught a small group everything she knew about Haki. It came natural to her, so she tried her best. Marco helped her out a lot with that one.

Finally realizing she had no idea where they were, she approached the first commander. "Uh Marco?" The blonde turned to look at her, hands full of paperwork. "Where are we headed?"

"Water Seven. We need a new ship."

Blue eyes widened in shock, as her face lit up. "REALLY?!" Hana fist pumped the air and scrambled back to her room, she had to make a list of things to tell Iceburg when she saw him.

The Phoenix just watched her run away shaking with excitement, confused. Others who saw turned to each other and shrugged. She was strange.

When they docked at Water Seven, Hana jumped overboard and took off. A disguised Ace, Marco, and Vista jumped after her. Hana could sense them, slowing her pace down for them to catch up.

She led them through the city, stopping before the giant doors to Dock 1. Pushing the door open, she bounced her way inside.


The man barely had time to turn when a small body launched onto him. The blond man's cigars dropped from his mouth in shock.


A grinning redhead stood in front of him, "That's me! It's been some time. Hey where is Iceburg? I want to catch you guys up!"

"Is Straw Hat here too?"

Hana flinched and looked away. "No. I don't know where Luffy is. We all got separated at Sabaoby and I haven't seen him since Marineford." Her companions finally caught up with her.

Marco placed a hand on her shoulder, scolding the young woman. "Hana you can't just run off-yoi." He just got a grin in response that made him sigh.

Addressing the foreman, Marco shook his hand. "Marco, I'm looking for a new ship-yoi." Ace was now scolding Hana for her impulsiveness which she found hilarious. Not paying attention, her eyes trailed to spot a familiar head.


Waving ecstatically at him, she headed over to meet her old friend. Iceburg smiled at the sight of the energetic red headed woman.

"Hana, how are you doing?"

"I've been better! I'm traveling with the Whitebeard Pirates right now until I find Luffy again. They need a ship. Oh hey! Let me tell you how Franky has been!"

The man listened as she told tales of their adventure since leaving Water Seven. Hands flew around with excitement, eyes alight with happiness as she spoke of her crewmates.

The Dock went quiet for a moment to listen to her tales, wanting to hear about their good friend. Hana was a great storyteller, used to spending hours entertaining Luffy, Chopper and Usopp with them.

Finally she explained what she was doing with the Whitebeard Pirates and how they were in need of a new ship after the destruction of theirs at Marineford.

"I think we might have something for them."

Hana cheered and gave thumbs up to her companions, "Thanks Iceburg! Hey hey! Can I get a photo of me with you and the guys to show the crew when I see them! I have to tell Franky!" She was promised a photo after the ship was completed.

Hana hung around at the dock, chatting and entertaining the guys. Paulie didn't mind since she made sure to wear jeans and a tank top, it was the least amount of skin she could expose.

"How do you know them?"

Ace settled down next to her, as Marco and Vista were off discussing specifics and finances with Iceburg. Hana giggled at the question. "Well it all started when we were accused of trying to kill Iceburg and CP-9 got involved and then Aqua Laguna happened."

And so Hana spent the time telling Ace of their adventure in Water Seven as well as Enies Lobby. Her excitement was unmatched in the Dock, bringing smiles to everyone there.

She was a Straw Hat, through and through. No questions about that, she spoke so highly about her Captain and crew.

Her connections there also helped lower the price for a new boat, something the crew was thankful for.

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