Chapter 24

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Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo were outside messing with fireworks and Phil was watching them from the window while everyone else was doing other things.

Phil turned and started talking to Bad then heard screaming. Phil ran to the door and opened it.

Tubbo had stood too a little to close to one of the fireworks. "BAD CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!!" Phil shouted while rushing to grab Tubbo and pull him onto the grass.

Both Tommy and Ranboo were horrified and Dream hopped outside to see what was wrong.

As soon as the ambulance arrived Tubbo was rushed into it and driven to the hospital.

<a few hours later>

Tubbo tried to open his eyes but there were bandages covering his entire face. "Hello, is anyone there?" Tubbo said while sitting up.

"Yes, do you remember what happened?" An unfamiliar voice asked. "I remember me, Tommy and Ranboo were setting off fireworks and I don't know what happened after that." Tubbo replied "Where am I and who are you?"

"I'm Dr. Ponk, you are in the hospital because you stood to close to a firework and sustained severe damage to your face. You still need to stay in the hospital for a few days or maybe weeks." Ponk wrote something on his clipboard and looked at Tubbo. "I need to check up on some other patients," He walked over and put a button into Tubbo's hand "press this if you need anything alright?"

Tubbo nodded and laid back down. Ponk left the room and Tubbo went back to sleep.

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