Chapter 14

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<After introducing themselves>

"That's so cool you have a sister Dream!" said Bad "Hop once if she is older and hop twice if she is younger."

Dream hopped twice.

Nobody really cared about Mexican Dream other than Tommy. Tommy and Mexican Dream were just chilling, but when Tommy looked away and started to tell Drista to threaten Dream's eyes, Mexican Dream began to explore.

He started to climb up the stairs and saw a dog. Mexican Dream offered the dog the stuff that was totally not drugs, but the dog didn't seem to want it. More for him I guess.

Mexican Dream had decided that was enough exploring, but when he turned around he saw Dream. Mexican Dream offered Dream some of the stuff, but Dream didn't take any.

Both pulled out their tooth picks and their piece of cardboard. They stared at each other at the top of those stairs, waiting to see who would make the first move.

Dream lunged at Mexican Dream with his toothpick ready to strike him or take the not drugs from him. Mexican Dream dodged and held the not drugs close to him.

How did they do this without hands, we will never know.

They kept at this attacking, each missing by just a bit. Then the dog came and caught Mexican Dream off guard. Dream took this time to strike at Mexican Dream.

Mexican Dream held onto his not drugs as he fell down the stairs. When he landed at the bottom Dream carefully went down and looked at Mexican Dream.

He was gone for good. His body dissapeared in a puff of white smoke leaving only the not drugs, his cardboard, and toothpick.


May Mexican Dream rest with his not drugs, he sadly only appeared for 2 chapters, now he will never be seen again or will he-

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