Chapter 3

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Oh wow! Thank you I never thought this would get so many reads! I have been trying my best to come up with ideas, but I have school and I'm working on a Dream SMP thing for my family to watch (I'm going to tell my parents it's Minecraft after they watch it). This is why the chapters might be shorter. I hope you understand. [Also that picture up there is part of the thing I'm making]

Tommy said he would stay and watch Dream with Tubbo while the adults were out today. Everyone else was fine with it and left them with the blob. "Hey d*ckhead!"

<I am not comfortable with typing out the swears fully so they will be written like that>

Tubbo sighed as Dream hopped over to Tommy and him "Why are you so mean to him Tommy?" Tommy looked at his friend "He's not even a full blob!" Tubbo was confused and Tommy just stared at Dream "Come on show him, we won't tell just do it b*tch."

The blob transformed into the dirty blonde man with a mask. Tubbo was amazed at what he just saw "What the f*ck." Dream began to make tea kettle sounds. Tubbo was just frozen in shock.

:,) I made this during lunch break I still have online school.

The blob named DreamUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum