Chapter 4

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Here it is, Chapter 4!!!!! Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!

Tw for this chapter: drug use and mentions of overdose.

Tommy and Toby went out together before I woke up. They left a note saying they'd be back around 7:00 pm. I don't know why they didn't wake me up so I could go with them but whatever. It kinda pissed me off. Whatever. I'll just enjoy my free time. After thirty minutes of "relaxing," I got bored. Ugh we've got nothing fun to do around here. They could've at least told me where they were going in the note. I checked the time. It was 4:30 pm. They weren't going to be home for two and a half more hours, so I might as well find something to do. My phone was almost dead so there wasn't much I could do. As a last resort, I decided to head for my drug stash. Nothing like getting insanely high to pass the time. I still had some good stuff stocked up in there so I took a handful of hallucinogens and looked at them carefully. They were all pretty strong and I wasn't too sure how long they lasted so I only decided to take one. Sometimes with less strong pills

I'll have to take handfuls to forget. Toby and Tommy don't know I do that though; they think I just have memory problems which is partially true. I have short term memory problems and I take the pills so I can forget the bad things of the past. When I'm high the bad dissolves like it was never there in the first place. To be honest I'm pretty much always on something. Toby and Tommy don't know that I'm doing these drugs. I only smoke weed and drink alcohol around them. They'd be worried if they knew I was doing anything else. I felt the high start to kick in. So I laid back on the couch and prepared for a trip.

The room started to spin as I lay on the couch. The bad memories drifted away and I was left with the few good ones I had.

Toby and Tommy had just gotten back to the apartment and were full of energy. Toby was jumping up and down.

"What got you guys all riled up?" I asked from behind my phone.

"Does it matter mate? Let's go somewhere cool!!" Tommy grabbed me and pulled me out the door. Toby and Tommy ran while I was being dragged behind; laughing hysterically.

They suddenly stopped. I stopped laughing too. I looked out at the beautiful ocean they had brought us to.

"Hey?" I asked.

"Yeah?" Toby responded somewhat out of breath.

"We should just find a cool place to sit and talk and just chill here. Like a picnic but with no food."

"Yo! We totally should, that sounds great!" Toby looked at Tommy, "what do you think Boss Man?"

"That sounds good to me."

We walked for a bit and found a nice spot with some shade. Toby found an intact ukulele lying in the sand and brought it with him. We settled down and Toby played a few songs on the ukulele before one of the strings broke. We talked at first but eventually we sat in comfortable silence and watched the sun set behind the ocean.

I was walking home from 2nd grade in the rain. I had forgotten my umbrella at home but honestly didn't mind. Water was always super refreshing. I splashed in the puddles; further soaking my clothes. I continued this until I heard a meow. I followed the quiet noise until I found a kitten curled in a ball huddling for warmth.

"Hey there, Kitty. I can help you warm up."

I slowly reached my hand for the ball. The kitten flinched when my hand first touched them, but they relaxed after I pet their soaking wet fur. I gently picked up the shivering cat and put them in my shirt. I couldn't do much for them now so I hurried home. 

Nobody was home yet so I had to quickly unlock the door with one hand because the other was holding the sweet thing. I quickly headed inside and took off my shoes. I headed to the laundry room and grabbed a fluffy towel. I took the shaking cat out of my shirt and dried them off. They looked a lot less cold after that and I smiled. I kept them wrapped in the towel and headed off to my room. I changed into dry clothes before bringing my attention back to my small guest. I went to the pantry quickly looking for something the kitty could eat. I found a can of tuna. I cracked it open and poked it with a fork to break it into smaller, more edible pieces. I brought it back to my room. The kitty had stayed in the spot where I left them. They looked up at me eagerly. I gave them the can of tuna and they viciously ate it.

"You are so cute! I'm going to keep you. You need a name though, huh? What about Ender?"

The kitty seemingly nodded in the middle of their meal.

"Ok! Ender it is!"

I pet the kitty again with a giant smile on my face.

I was at the train station anxiously tapping my foot. My favorite mask and sunglasses adorned my face. They were pretty itchy and my rapidly increasing amount of sweat was not helping. The day had been a total disaster and I really just wanted to get on a train before someone came to stop me from leaving. I pulled out my phone to check the time when a boy about my age sat next to me. My heart just about stopped.

"Hey are you ok? You seem really stressed."

"Ah oh, maybe.. just a little..."

"I'm Toby, and you are?"

"I actually don't remember what my name is."

There's no way he'll believe something stupid like that.

"Ok, do you have any nicknames?"

"No, not really."

"Do you care what people call you?"

"Not really.."

"Ok I dub you Ranboo!"


"Yeah! You remind me of that character from my favorite show, Dreamsmp."

"Oh I haven't watched that show."

"What?! You totally should, it's great!"

Our conversation continued and I gradually got more comfortable talking with my new acquaintance. I eventually realized that I had missed my train.

"Shit, I missed my train."

"Oh that's ok Boss Man, you can hang at my place with my friend and me. He'll be kinda aggressive at first but eventually he'll warm up to you."

"Ok I guess I don't really have anywhere else to stay anyways. Show me the way, Toby."

He turned around and smiled at me and for the first time in a while, I was able to genuinely smile back.

Under the Influence (Benchtrio Troublemakers AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя