Chapter 10 (his deadly game)

Start from the beginning

Meili: they finally showed up, but what happened back there?

They started to attack the monster but the monster was casually killing them. He even ate one of them alive. He was truly insane. While he was distracted I ran away but I had bad feeling about something. My brain tells me to run and don't look back but my heart tells me to don't run.

Meili: damn it!

I still ran away but the moment when I stepped on wrong place, beartrap activated by himself. It started to break bones in my legs. So I fell on the floor. I started to scream from pain. Weird demonic noises were coming from this creature.

???: game is getting closer and closer to end kid.

The monster approached me and grabbed my throat.

Meili: let... Me... Go!

???: game over kid.

He was about to chop my head when I fell unconscious from smell of blood around.

(Y/n POV)

Y/n: ahh this reminds me of wrath. Let's end this.

I was going to chop her head while she was unconscious but I heard someone's footsteps. It wasn't dogs footsteps.

As soon as I heard the noises I let go of the girl.

Y/n: you are lucky that someone is coming for you. But next time... I'll get you next time kid.

(Subaru POV)

(Minutes earlier)

Subaru: the... HAND?!

Rem: it's human hand!

Subaru: we need to find the kids fast!

Rem: agreed!

When we went inside the forest, my eyes widened from fear and shock. Blood was everywhere. Mabeasts heads were rolling on the ground.

Subaru: what the hell just happened here.

Rem: I smell bodies. They are humans.

Subaru: I hope they are alive.

I was running after rem. She was leading the way. Finally we saw a children who were lying on the ground.

Subaru: the kids! *Checks pulse* they are still alive.

After few seconds petra opens eyes.

Petra: s-subaru.

Subaru: Petra! Great job. Try not to sleep. You are a tough girl.

Petra: one... Is... Still... there. *Closes eyes anyway*

Subaru: one is still there!? Rem. I'm going inside in the forest.

Rem: we don't know how strong is the enemy.

After few seconds. I heard screams of the girl. And one voice.

???: It's just a game.

Subaru: I don't care. I need to save her!

Rem: please be careful.

When I went deep in the forest, I saw more blood and rolling heads. Soon I saw trees. The trees were creepy. They had written sentence with blood. Most creepy one was "it's just a game".

Subaru: it's like scary movie. What happened here anyway. Who the hell did this.

When I continued my way forward screams were getting louder and louder.

From distance I saw that something was glowing. It was... Eyes? He had axe and head of the mabeast. That creature was tall and he was running after someone.

Subaru: I need to be quiet.

I stood quiet because I didn't wanted to be noticed by this creature. Some dogs started to attack him but he was killing them all easily. He even ate one of them alive. When he screamed, some demonic voices were coming from his mouth.

I tried to see the creature from close distant so I tried to approach him silently. He looked around and I thought that he noticed me but he didn't. Once again he growled like a demon and continued his way. I almost vomited because of the smell of blood.

When I took a closer look, I saw that he was running after a child who didn't had a left hand.

I was watching everything behind the rock. Once again I heard the scream of the kid. My heart started beating. When monster grabbed her on the throat, he said.

???: Game over kid. Ahh this reminds me of wrath. Let's end this.

I had enough. I didn't cared what would happen next so I started to run towards the creature in front of me. When he heard something, he disappeared like he wasn't there from the start.
(Present time)

(Subaru POV)

Subaru: thanks god that she is just unconscious. Poor kid.

I took the kid and was about to run in the village when something came out from the bushes.

I put kid back on the ground and got ready to fight the dog like creature.

Subaru: shit. The smell of the blood...

Dog went back in the darkness and after few seconds he jumped out from the random direction.

He tried to bite Subaru but Subaru blocked his bite and pierced him with the tree. That killed the mabeast.

Subaru: it's over...

After few seconds he saw more mabeasts that was watching him. One of them jumped at him but, someone killed the mabeast in the air.

Subaru saw rem that was standing next to him.

Rem: kids went back in the village successfully.

???: I think it's my time to appear.

Subaru: who was that?

Voice was coming from right side. When I looked at that direction, I saw y/n.

Y/n: hi.

But something was wrong with his left eye.

Subaru: hi... Y/n?

Y/n: what is it?

Subaru: what's wrong with your left eye?

Y/n: what?  Oh.

His left eye was black with dark red pupils and blood was coming from his left eye.

Subaru: are you okay?

Y/n: yeah I'm alright. See? *Changes eye color*

Subaru: phew. Don't scare me like that anymore.

Rem: we don't have time to talk.

Subaru: what?

Y/n: she is right kid, the dogs are watching.

Subaru: oh yeah.

There was something other than left eye. He had bloody ace and knife.

Subaru: and why is your axe bloody?

Y/n: self defence.

Subaru: but-

Y/n: just kill this dogs already, I'll join later.

Rem/Subaru: WHAT!?

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