Chapter 4

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"What?" I asked as my voice broke

He smiled down at me "you have magic" he laughed as he got up from on top of me and held out a hand.

You could tell he was very happy about this otherwise he wouldn't offer to help me up. Besides, this is the most I've seen him smile since I got here yesterday.

"Ok. Ok. Now try summoning a ball" he was getting very excited about this, he sounded like a little kid

I tried summoning a ball but nothing happened, so I tried again but still nothing. I looked up at Loki with a sad expression, I don't want to ruin his mood by not being able to do this.

"It's ok" he said "at least now we know you have magic" he said smiling


A week has passed since finding out I have magic. Me and Loki still don't exactly get along and have a lot of arguments but it's fine.
I've been trying to summon a ball of magic but I still have had no luck, he doesn't say but I know that Loki is secretly disappointed in that.

After another failed attempt at trying to summon magic he said "let's go back to our rooms, you need to get ready for breakfast" he said

I nodded at him,
We walked back to my room which had very obviously been cleaned, there was a dress lying on my bed that wasn't there before I left.

I went over to it to look and it was stunning, it was a long dark green dress, that had a corset body, it was shoulder less but it had sleeves attached to the side of the corset that fit loose around my arms and widened at the wrist. The bottom of the dress flowed out but had a slit in it.

"We can go shopping at some point this week to get you more clothes that might suit your comfort better but for now I hope this is ok" he said

This whole week I've mainly just stayed in my room, I've been wearing Loki's clothes everyday so im glad im finally going to be able to go shopping and get my own.

"Thank you" was all I said, I really did appreciate this, it was so beautiful

"Ok now get ready, I'll be back in about half an hour to take you down to breakfast" he said

"Breakfast?" I asked

"Yes. As you know me, Thor, my mother and Odin all have breakfast together everyday at 8, it's really just to show people that we are a perfect family" he said "you know, royals have to seem perfect for the people"

Every morning, lunch and dinner loki goes down and brings me food up but I suppose today is the day I finally go down and get my own food with his family.

I can't help but feel bad for him, it must be so lonely having to lie to everyone and to pretend everything's ok.

"I don't need your pity" he said as he stared straight into my eyes "now get ready" he walked out leaving me to change

Once I had the dress on I went into the bathroom and to check I looked ok. I have never felt this pretty in my life, I feel like a princess.

"You look- nice" I heard a voice come from the door

I didn't recognise who it was, it was a girl about the same age as me maybe a bit older, she was very pretty, she had light brown hair and brown eyes, she was fair skinned and wore what looks like a fancy maids dress.

"I'm here to do your hair, Sir Loki's requested it" I couldn't help but laugh at what she said

"Sir Loki?" I asked laughing still but she looked unamused with me
"Where should I sit?" I said trying to fill the awkward silence

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