Why are you here?

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"Goh someone's here for you."

Goh perks up at the sound of his name. Chloe had just left for school and Ash and him had just come down after eating breakfast. Who could it possibly be?

"Oh! Someone's here for Goh?" Ash asked, clearly intent.

"Yes," They're waiting outside for you, Goh," Ren said

Ash glanced over at Goh but simply ignored him and walked of towards the lab's entrance. As Goh stepped out into the hallway, his eyes widened at the sight. Horace stood before him, with his Pokémon, Chikorita. Raboot's eyes also widened beside at the sight- for even he wasn't expecting this.

"H-Horace? W-What are you doing here!" Goh gasped.

"Is a friend not allowed to visit?" Horace said, sheepishly.

"What! No Of course they're allowed! I just wasn't expecting you!" Goh exclaimed

"My grandma came to gather with a few friends of hers here for a reunion and she couldn't leave me home alone so she decided to bring me along! They were all going to meet up here at Vermillion city and I remembered you said you were here at Professor Cerise's lab so I came over!" Horace explained.

"Well that's great but are you sure that's the only reason?" Goh smirked. It wasn't like Goh was trying to get rid of Horace! If anything he was relieved to see him after so long. But Horace's body language told him something was off.

"Alright, fine! You seemed in a bit of a pickle over your conflict yesterday so I decided to help!" Horace smiled, triumphantly.

"GOH! I DON'T RECOGNISE THAT VOICE!" a voice called out that Goh knew all too well.....

And that was when Goh started to panic. How was he going to explain the situation to Ash!?

Horace noticed Goh's mood shift and his eyes widened when they set on Ash (who had just come into the hallway).

"I see why you like him," Horace smirks and whispers to Goh, while teasingly nudging him. Goh only blushes and attempts to hide it.

"Now's not the time! Ash is here!" he silently scolded himself.

Goh spots Raboot giving him an annoyed expression and looks down to scowl at him in response. This wasn't the right time for Raboot to be annoyed at his gay crush on Ash (even if he's not gay).

"Nice to meet you! My name is Horace but you can call me Tokio if you want! To be honest, I don't really mind whichever one you use! I bet Goh's told you a lot about me," Horace says as he holds out his hands.

Ash smiled widely at Horace's hand "My name is Ash from Pallet Town! And actually, no, Goh hasn't told me about you." Ash glances over at Goh causing Goh to awkwardly shuffle under his gaze. Goh had forgotten that he hadn't told Ash about Horace. Horace was Goh's friend now but he had never really considered him as a friend until recently whereas Horace had from the start. If Goh was to tell Ash about Horace, it would sound as if Ash wasn't remotely special to Goh for being his first friend when, in reality, he was!

"As I'd expect! He's either always talking about Pokémon or you!" Horace chuckled.

Goh mentally facepalmed. "Besides, the way we met is quite crazy and I don't want to keep you guys waiting! You're on duty and I just dropped by to say hello!"

"Well at least some of me can thank him" Goh internally sighed in relief.

"Thanks for visiting without permission," Goh smirked, cockily (fake confidence, to hide his nervousness, of course) "I'll see you after we're done for the day!"

"Sure" Horace smiled. He waves at them and walks out of the door.

"You didn't tell me that you had any friends other than me and Chloe," Ash turned to Goh and frowned as soon as Horace had left. Pikachu jumps onto Ash's shoulder and bore a similar expression to his trainer.

"Yeah! Well, like he said, It's crazy how we met but It was when I was on holiday," Goh laughed nervously.

"Doesn't seem that crazy," Ash blinked.

"Well it doesn't matter! Anyways, I'm sure I heard that Professor Cerise had a mission for us- We better head back! Don't want to keep him waiting!" Goh exclaimed.

"You go on ahead- I'll follow on," Ash mumbled. There was something in his tone that was amiss but Goh shrugged it off.

Goh nodded in response and hurried off before he could embarrass himself any further. Leaving Ash at the entrance...

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