"Look, we know that Chuck overpowered his sister, the darkness, and locked her up, so...", Dean said causing Castiel to continue, "We may be able to lock him up, too".

"Why don't you just kill him?", Donatello asked.

"Uh, because he's god", Lizziel deadpanned.

"Yeah, god has to exist to maintain the balance of the universe. Without him, creation would fall apart", Sam explained.

"Right, so, the best thing to do is toss him in solitary and throw away the key", Dean added.

"Okay, but the last time, it took the power of god to do this? I mean, even if he has a hidden flaw, do you have the power of god?", Donatello asked.

"You know what? Uh, one step at a time. You figure out how to lock him up, we'll take care of the rest", Sam told Donatello.

"Oh. And, guys, when I go crazy again, just shoot me", Donatello informed them, causing Lizziel to give him a thumbs up.


Donatello was trying to find a way to trap god and the Winchesters, Castiel and Lizziel were continuously looking at Donatello to make sure he didn't go crazy.

"Stop it", Donatello said, causing the four of them to look around the bunker awkwardly, "Oh. This is interesting".

"What?", Dean asked while at the same time Sam asked, "What is it?".

"There appear to be annotations, uh, personal observations", Donatello replied.

"By Metatron?", Castiel asked.

"Wait, that manipulative piece of shit?", Lizziel asked, still angry about the way he had manipulated Castiel years ago.

"By the scribe, yes. Uh, as if he were trying to give some context to god's actions", Donatello answered.

"For example?", Dean asked.

"The almighty guards his secret fear but it is always there", Donatello read out.

"Fear of what?", Sam asked, curiosity laced in his voice.

"Fear of what, I do not know. This he shares only with his favourite", Donatello read.

"Favourite?", Dean asked, confusion laced in his voice.

"Lucifer?", Lizziel said, "He's dead".

"Wait, his favourite at the time...at the time this was written, Lucifer had been cast down. Michael sealed him in the cage. So Michael was the favourite", Castiel corrected Lizziel.

"Oh, yeah, a real daddy's boy", Dean said with a roll of his eyes.

"But if Michael helped Chuck overpower Amara, then maybe he also knows how to lock him up", Sam told them, realisation laced in his voice.

"Perhaps, but even if we could get to him, he wouldn't tell us", Castiel pointed out.

"I don't know. But I mean, if my dad kept me locked up in a cage for 10 years, I might be looking to get some payback. It's worth a shot", Dean stated.

"Dean has a point", Lizziel said, causing Dean to ruffle her hair.

"Swell!", Donatello said, getting up from his chair, "So, you guys talk to Michael. Problem solved, right?".

"Not exactly. Michael's in hell", Dean stated.

"Yeah, he was possessing Adam, Sam and Dean's half brother, when he fell into hell with Sam, who was possessed by Lucifer, and then they were all sealed in the cage", Castiel explained causing Donatello to angrily exclaim, "What is it with you people?! Can anything you do be easy?! I mean...".

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